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Chapter Thirty-Seven

WEEKS HAD PASSED since that awful night Aria had given herself the Bat-Bogey hex and she had yet to live it down, she doubted she ever would when Malfoy brought it up every chance he got.

"You weren't trying to hex me, were you?"

On top of constantly teasing her, Malfoy had seemed rather weary that the box had been intended for him and appeared to be on the verge of unfriending Aria and hiding behind corners whenever she passed.

"For the last time, Malfoy, no. The box was meant for Matilda. What reason would I have to hex you?"

"I don't know." He groaned. "I thought perhaps I'd done something. Doesn't take a lot to piss you off.'

"You're pissing me off right now."

A pink tint decorated his face. "Anyway..." He coughed. "Did you hear about that Gryffindor room getting trashed? Serves them right if you ask me."

"I did hear about it and honestly, I can't figure it out. It was Potters's room, wasn't it? It obviously has something to do with him being the heir."

"You don't ever stop thinking about that, do you?"

"I won't until I'm no longer a suspect."

Malfoy nodded and proceeded to repeatedly tap the writing end of his quill against the library table they shared.

Aria lifted her eyes from the book she was reading to glare at him in annoyance. When the sound persisted she snapped, "Can you shut up?"

The blond dropped his quill to the table and stuck his tongue out at her. "I find it absurd that you actually believe Potter is the heir of Slytherin. For someone who's top of their year, you really are stupid."

Aria snorted and slammed the book she was reading shut. "You're just jealous." She said. "Jealous that it's not you. I bet you'd love to have your pick of which muggle to kill next. Foul little boy, Malfoy."

He opened his mouth to shoot back a response but closed it a second later. "Shut your mouth, Snape." He threatened.

She smirked to herself, knowing she'd hit a nerve. "Let's get going, wouldn't want to be late to the Quidditch match."

"It's Gryffindor and Hufflepuff today, not really much to miss."

"I have to go and watch George."

"Not supporting your house is an act of treason."

"It is not."

"It is too."

The squabble continued as they made their way down to the Quidditch pitch, shoving each other and laughing until the unimpressed eyes of Professor Snape landed on them, appearing less than pleased with their behavior.

The two got to the pitch just in time to hear McGonagall say the match was canceled and as she took Potter and Ron aside.

"She's taking them somewhere," Aria said excitedly. "Come on!"

Malfoy shook himself free of her grip on his robes. "Why would I do that?" He looked at her as if she were mad. "Have fun." He drawled before slipping around the corner and disappearing.

Aria hurried to catch up to Potter, shocked to see him turn into the hospital wing. She followed wearily, her heart sinking as she saw Hermione lying in a bed, petrified.

That was when it hit Aria. The heir couldn't have been Harry. Sure, she didn't know him well enough to make that call, but she had seen and heard enough to know that he would never hurt his friend.

Aria wondered, if she wasn't the heir and neither was Draco and now Potter too was off the hook, then who exactly was the heir? She had a gut feeling that Potter had a pretty good idea as to who it might be.

Aria waited until Harry left the hospital wing to grab him. She pointed her wand at his throat and watched, feeling something along the lines of pity when his glasses slipped down the bridge of his nose. She was almost distracted by his stunning eyes, but she made sure to focus.

"Aria?" He stammered.

"Yes." She pressed her wand deeper into his skin. "I know that you know who the heir is. And you're going to tell me."

"I swear I don't know anything!" The second-year claimed. Aria only rolled her eyes in response.

"You do-you know something. Now tell me what it is or I'll tell my father that I saw a certain three Gryffindors brewing suspicious Potions in a bathroom."

"Fine!" Harry surrendered. With a smirk, Aria lowered her wand.

"I don't know anything for sure, not yet."

Aria raised an eyebrow.

"But," He continued. "Ron and I are going to find out."

"And you're going to tell me." She made sure he understood the arrangement.

Harry appeared to mull something over in his head before suggesting that she join them. "An extra set of eyes would be helpful, too, now that Hermione's petrified." He gulped as he said it. "Ron would probably like if you were there as well, he fancies you a bit." Harry's hands cupped his mouth as if he had just revealed a secret that could end the world.

Aria only snorted, already having known about this little crush her boyfriend's brother had. It was cute‐ish. "I'll gladly accompany the two of you." She said. "Just tell me when and where."

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