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Chapter One Hundred and Nine

CHRISTMAS MORNING HAD arrived. The celebration was small, but still the most marvelous one Aria had ever experienced.

Christmas with her father had never been that big of a deal, he would sometimes give her a present or mention that it was Christmas if she was lucky.

Christmas at the Burrow had been a magical experience, despite the state of things like a half-dead Christmas tree and the same sweaters as the year before in a different color being gifted. She still treasured that sweater, it was stuffed away somewhere. It was more the feeling than the physical present-giving, though. Celebrating with the Weasleys made Aria feel like she had a family.

It was different at Malfoy Manor. There was no need for fake cheer or smiles that turned to frowns once no one was looking. No, Christmas was a normal day with the exception of gifts and the tree which was still decorated flawlessly.

The place smelled of freshly baked cookies, the lounge had a fire going, warming it up and Aria sat, snug-as-a-bug against Draco who held her tightly in his arms as Lucius handed Narcissa a large red box.

"Father considered not even celebrating," Draco told her. "Mom disagreed, she said we needed a distraction and this was the best way. It's not really Christmas-y, not with all these other people around."

The energy of the Death Eaters' constant presence was a downer, but Aria pushed that thought to the side as Narcissa squealed with joy at the diamond necklace she had been gifted.

"Your turn, Aria." Narcissa smiled and sat next to her.

She reached for a black box that had her name written in gold on the top.

"That one's from me and Lucius."

Aria removed the lid to reveal a small locket with the Malfoy family crest on it.

"The locket was my idea, of course, Lucius wanted to add the crest, seeing as you are part of and adding to the family now." She laughed. "We can always change it if you want."

"No, no!" Aria objected, holding the locket into the light and admiring how the rising sun glinted off of it. "I love it." She looked at Narcissa and Lucius. "Thank you."

"I told you she'd love it. Born to be a Malfoy." Lucius commented, Aria couldn't help but blush.

"Draco put it on for her," Narcissa instructed. "We were thinking that once the baby's born you can keep pictures of her—"

"Or him." Lucius cut her off, receiving a glare.

"In the locket." She finished.

Aria nodded, moving her hair to the side so Draco could fix the locket into place. "I love that idea."

The gift-giving commenced and it wasn't until the very last box under the tree was opened did Draco clear his throat and stood up. "Aria." He whispered and pulled a small box from his pocket.

Aria's heart skipped a beat. She didn't want to jump to conclusions, but as he lowered to one knee she couldn't help the few tears of joy that slipped down her cheeks.

"I've loved you since the moment we met, I spent years trying to get you to feel the same way and all that hard work seems to have paid off because I'll soon get to call you the mother of my child and you'd make me the happiest man alive if I'd get to call you my wife as well."

She wiped her eyes to stop the tears, unable to fight the smile that swept across her face.

"Will you marry me?"

She nodded frantically and allowed him to slip the beautiful diamond ring onto her finger before pulling him in to kiss him.

It was then that she felt something in her stomach move for the first time. She pulled away from Draco, her eyes wide. "Did you feel that?"

He shook his head. "What?"

"The baby, I think it kicked."


"Yes, yes." She grabbed his hands and placed them over her stomach, hoping it would happen again.

It did, she felt the same sensation as a few tears slipped down her face. She reached out to Narcissa and Lucius.

Narcissa was quick to her side and lightly touched Aria's stomach, calling to her husband to do the same.

The family all cried out in joy as the baby kicked yet again. Draco reached up and kissed Aria, cradling her head and she could swear she saw a tear fall from his face, but she wasn't sure.

It was then that Aria realized as she looked around that she truly did have a family and as her father walked into the room, Bella following shortly after with a manic grin, she realized just how lucky she was to have them and that she would do anything and sacrifice anything to keep them safe.

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