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Chapter Seventy-Two

ARIA AWOKE EARLY the following morning and made her way to the Great Hall for breakfast. People were still congratulating her and it felt wonderful to finally be recognized for her undeniable talent. She had one problem, though. The bloody egg.

When she had opened it after the tournament, the whole common room had dived undercover because they thought some sort of serpent from the Black Lake was attacking. She had shut the egg immediately and rubbed her head to ease the headache it had given her.

All it did was scream. How was she supposed to decipher a scream?

"Seen the paper?" Anna handed her the latest edition of The Daily Prophet. Aria hoped that Rita had learned her lesson and unless she wanted to be turned flamboyant next time, there better not be one word about her father in the article.

Aria's eyes skimmed it. "All true, well mostly. It does say that I'm mingling with fourth years," she glanced towards Malfoy. "But that I can handle." She read over it once more. There wasn't a single word about her color change, Aria knew that Rita suspected her, but if she knew what was good for her she'd keep her abnormally big mouth shut.

"If you can handle a dragon, you can handle a few rumors." Anna chuckled. "Speaking of which, there is a rumor that you'll be going to the Yule Ball with Cedric. Is it true?"

Aria choked on her pumpkin juice. "Going to the what with who?" She thumped her hand against her chest, trying to catch her breath.

"Oh, I suppose you've been too busy with the tournament to pay attention to anything else. There's a Yule Ball, it's a dance to celebrate the champions or something."

Aria frowned. "A dance?"

"Yes, Professor Snape has arranged a meeting for all of Slytherin, well fourth year and up to discuss it. It's this afternoon, I'll remind you."


Sure, dealing with dragons was hard, but Aria had done it. Dancing, however, Aria had not done that. She was the farthest thing from graceful and if her partner stepped on her toe she knew that she would immediately hex him. This was going to be a nightmare.


Aria made sure to take the seat in the corner of the room, far from her father's gaze as he addressed the entirety of the Slytherin house.

Aria glanced around the room. No one else seemed to be particularly miserable about the event, not even Malfoy, he was smiling.

It was a strange sight.

The Yule Ball, according to Professor Snape, was tradition when it came to the Triwizard tournament, and seeing as Hogwarts was hosting, the Ball would take place at the school.

"I expect." Professor Snape continued. "All of you to be on your best behavior. No galavanting around like hooligans," he eyed the fourth-year students. "No funny business." He crossed his arms. "And most definitely no turning people blue." He sent Aria a small smile and she instantly felt better. "Now, it has been required of me to teach all of you how to waltz, but as I have been informed, Miss Annabelle Griffiths will be instructing you."

Anna stood up and smiled at everyone. "It's really quite simple, I want everyone to partner up." She clapped her hands. "Chop chop."

Aria hurried to her feet. She had seen Anna mad, it wasn't pretty. It would be best if everyone just did as she said.

Aria didn't know who to partner up with, she immediately looked towards Malfoy, but Pansy was already at his side.

Anna noticed this and shooed her away. "Parkinson! Draco already has a partner. I think you're more suited to..." she looked around. "Goyle. Yes." She smirked and shoved Draco in Aria's direction.

He smirked when he saw her. "Know how to waltz?"

"Not a clue."

"It's okay, I'll show you." He wasted no time in pulling Aria closer so that she stood right against him. He placed one hand lightly on her waist and held her hand with the other.

"Everyone has a partner?" Anna called out. Aria glanced at her and noticed a seventh year at her side. She smirked. She had seen Anna ogle him before. "Now watch me before you begin."

Anna placed the boys' hand on her waist and began to move in a steady motion with him. "One two three. One two three. One two three." She stopped and looked at everyone. "Does everybody understand?" She didn't wait for a response. "Good." Music began to play. "Now waltz. I'll be walking around to perfect your techniques. Alexander, come." The seventh-year hurried to her side.

Aria looked back to Draco who had not taken his eyes off of her. His grip tightened on her waist as they began to move along to the music.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" She heard Anna snap at someone. "I said waltz, not crab walk!"

Aria snorted in amusement.

Draco smiled down at her. "You're good at this."

"How do you even know how to waltz in the first place? I never took you for a dancer."

"Father had me learn. Said it's only right that I can dance in a distinguished manner. I hated it, but it does come in handy." He spun Aria around.

"When has it ever come in handy?" She laughed.

"Right now."

She sighed and rested her head against Draco's chest.

"Aria." He mumbled.


"Go to the Yule Ball with me. Please."

She lifted her head and stared up at him. It went against everything she felt to say no but saying no was the only right answer. He was a fourth-year and she was a sixth-year. Not to mention how she didn't want to lead him on. She had no feelings for him, so saying yes would give him the wrong idea. It would end up in the Daily Prophet, sure as day, and not only she but he as well would be criticized for it.

"Malfoy, you know I can't do that."

She felt his body tense up. "Why?"

"Because I don't like you that way-"

He dropped her hand and stepped back, sending her one last pained glare before storming out of the room.

Anna watched as he disappeared out the door and turned to Aria. "You stupid idiot!" She snapped.

And for once, Aria agreed.

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