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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"HONESTLY, ARIA. I expect more from you. In my office the first day of school?" Professor Snape's arms rested on the table that separated him from his daughter, a furious frown spread across his face. "And not to mention how many people you injured on the trains. You're lucky I don't expel you right now!"

As she was about to speak, the door was opened and Harry Potter along with George's brother, Ron were shoved into the room by Filch.

Her father snapped his attention to them. "You were seen by no less than seven Muggles!" Aria snorted, wondering what the two second-year boys could have possibly done. "Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world, not to mention the damage you inflicted on Whomping Willow that has been on these grounds since before you were born."

"Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us," Ron replied.

Aria nodded. "That tree's a hazard."

"Silence." Her father sent her a nasty glare. He turned back to the boys. "I assure you that were you in Slytherin, and your fate rested with me, the both of you would be on the train home, tonight. As it is-"

"They are not."

Aria sighed. Of course, Dumbeldore was here to save the boys from Professor Snape's wrath. She had no such luck. She watched as her father and the Headmaster quarreled, wondering what kind of punishment she would get for using the Bombarda charm on Matilda.

It was an honest mistake, well, hitting the window with it was. Aria had aimed for the space next to Matilda-she only wanted to blow up the seat and have her fall on the floor, but somehow the spell had hit the window, and shards of glass flew everywhere. Everyone in the compartment had been hurt and were currently in the hospital wing, Aria too had a bandage around her arm, covering several wounds.

"As for you." Snape turned to her again once the others had left the room. "I could very easily expel you right now-send you to Durmstrang. I have been thinking about it, perhaps you'll spend less time associating with blood traitors in that school. However, I do not want to interrupt your studies and you seem to have made a name for yourself as my daughter in the Slytherin house. The Malfoy family also seems particularly fond of you." He sent her a menacing look. "One more slip up and you'll be out, I swear it."

Relief washed over her, Aria was happy enough to want to throw her arms around her father and hug him, but she thought better of it and nodded in agreement.

"You will be serving a month's worth of detention every day after class."

"I understand."

"Now go. I don't want you to be behind like last year."

Aria hurried to the Slytherin common room and poked her head through the door, spotting her friends gathered around one of the couches. They were hard to miss, being covered in bandages and all.

Matilda would have a large scar on her cheek-the thought brought Aria joy as she strutted into the room.

"Some nerve you have," Madison stood up and shoved Aria. "Showing your face in here after what you did!"

"You want another cut on your arm? I can arrange that." Aria threatened and shoved her back. "Don't forget who you are, Madison. No one. Now get out of my way!"

"Don't speak to her like that!" Gale stood up but backed down as Aria sent him her worst glare.

She spotted Anna and walked over to her, she was the only one that Aria regretted injuring. "You okay?"

She nodded. "Yes, Madam Pomfrey didn't want to heal these cuts with a spell because they aren't terribly infected and will clear in a few days. Rubbish if you ask me, just heal us now for Merlin's sake." Aria nodded along, staring at the small scratches on her best friend's face. "I don't blame you, Aria," Anna assured her. "I would have done the same."

"Thank you. I didn't mean to injure anyone but Matilda." It came to Aria's attention that the black-haired scoundrel was nowhere to be found. "Where is that rat anyway?"

"She's still in the hospital wing, being overdramatic as usual. She claims you aimed your wand at her. Matilda is threatening to get her parents involved. This is serious, Ari."

Aria snorted. "Oh, please. There's no proof that I did anything. Besides those witnesses," she gestured to Madison and Gale with a laugh. "And I'm sure I can persuade them to keep their mouths shut."

Anna groaned. "This isn't healthy behavior, Aria. I know you only want your dad's attention and you don't have a mother figure, but-"

"Excuse me?" Aria stood up, furious. "I didn't sit next to you searching for a free therapy session. You know nothing!" She snapped and stormed up to her room.

Nothing made Aria angrier than being told how she felt by Anna, especially when she was right.

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