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Chapter Twenty-Four

Aria let out a breath of despair and collapsed onto her bed. "Finals are in four days and I am so not ready for this Astronomy exam!"

All four roommates were in their dorm room together and surprisingly for all of them, no one had started a fight... yet.

"You're going to do fine, Aria." Anna laughed as she recited a transfiguration spell to turn a teacup into a tortoise. She wasn't doing very well, the teacup grew a set of scaly legs that shivered violently before disappearing, leaving Anna with a wide frown spread across her face.

Madison noticed and scooted closer to Anna. "Didn't McGonagall revise with you?"

"She never revises. I hate her!" Matilda added and sighed, shutting her textbook with a slam.

"It's not only this, we'll apparently be tested on our ability to turn a mouse into a snuffbox and an owl into opera glasses." Anna sighed and slumped down next to Aria. "I'm going to fail. I suck at Transfiguration."

"Let me try." Matilda got out her wand. "Professor Flitwick said it's all in the wrist." She pointed her wand at the owl they had commandeered. Its yellow eyes went wide as she shot the spell at it and in its place was a thin pair of glasses. "See, it's the wrist movement you've got all wrong. Let me show you."

Aria rolled her eyes as Matilda adjusted Anna's arm, she was such a show-off it was humiliating.

Her eyes landed on Madison who sat on her bed, watching the pair with intrigue. Aria made her way over to her. "How's Gale?" Anna had forced Aria to apologize for her uncalled-for tactics and despite not wanting to admit it, the lack of tension in the room was refreshing.

Of course, Aria had always fancied Gale and now that her own boyfriend had cheated, she was on the prowl for a new, better one.

She shrugged and crossed her legs. "Good, I guess. He's really focused on Quidditch at the moment. I miss him, to be honest, but he promised we'll see each other more during the holidays."

"You mean he's putting you second to a sport?" Anna snapped her head in their direction. "How dare he."

"No, no." Madison defended herself quickly. "It's his dream to play professionally and I don't want to get in the way of that."

"He's getting in the way of you finding your dream man." Aria snorted. "Gale is basically dead weight, holding you back."

"I wouldn't put it like that..."

"Cut your losses. Dump him." Aria pressed, nodding her head slowly in an attempt to try and convince Madison to do as she said.

Madison let out a nervous giggle. "No, no, I love him. We're good together. I don't mind being second to his dream."

"Well, don't come crying to us when he leaves you for a Quaffle," Anna said and turned to face Aria. "What about Cedric? How is that gorgeous being?" The three girls giggled as they leaned in, desperate to hear about Aria's golden boy boyfriend.

"I don't know if it would call him gorgeous," Aria mumbled, playing with the frills of the blanket beneath her.

"Did something happen?" Anna scowled.

Aria shrugged. She knew that her best friend was only slightly less vengeful than she was and mentioning that she was cheated on by a Hufflepuff would not be the best idea. However, she wouldn't mind seeing him tortured. "Saw him snogging some other girl. Don't worry, though-I gave her antlers.

"Her?" Anna snapped. "What about him? I'll shove an antler up his arse!" She stood to her feet.

Aria chuckled. "Oh, calm down. I never really liked him that much anyway."

"It's the principle." She snapped. "No one cheats on my best friend. Come on girls-"

"No!" Aria ran to block the door. "He doesn't know that I know and I'd rather keep this quiet, for now at least."

"You said you hexed the girl?"

"They didn't actually see me... but don't worry, I have another form of revenge planned."

"Well..." it seemed to be enough to sway Anna as she slipped her wand into the pocket of her robes. "Okay, but just know that my wand may slip and he'll be turned into a half-teacup half-tortoise!"

A light chuckled sounded throughout the room, but Aria knew her best friend was serious. Anna was blowing it all out of proportion and if Aria was honest with herself, she was only ever with Cedric to make her father angry, she couldn't care less whether he cheated or not. However, Anna was right. It was the principle that mattered, how dare someone like him cheat on someone like her. Revenge was a burning desire she felt that was getting hotter with every passing second. She had a plan, one she hoped she wouldn't regret.

"I have somewhere to go," Aria said and opened the door. "I'll be back a little later."

"Should we come with?"

"Um... Matilda, come with me?"

The group of girls exchanged cautious glances with one another, but she stood up and hurried to Aria's side if only to find out more about Cedric so she could spread rumors later.

"Why did I need to come?" She asked as they left the common room.

"I need your help, but you need to stay very quiet about all of this."

She leaned closer, intrigued. "Are we breaking the rules?"

"No. I need you as an alibi. I'm not really supposed to be doing this."

A smile appeared on her face. "What is it?"

"You'll see in a moment. Quick, hide over there!" She pointed to a separate corridor and Matilda hurried to it, her pale face peaking past the corner.

Aria turned to face the Gryffindor common room and watched in delight as one of the Weasley twins walked out.

"George, hi!" She glanced back at Matilda, glad to see that she had taken the bait and had her camera hovering by her side.

"Aria, hey. Need help pranking your father again?" He chuckled.

"No, but..." she stood onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his, dreading it at first, but slowly becoming accustomed to his mouth as he kissed her back.

Everything was going according to plan. It was excellent and although Aria hadn't planned to enjoy it, she really did, a little too much.

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