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Chapter Thirty-Two

ARIA HAD OVERSLEPT. She was late to the Quidditch match that she swore she would be at. She wasn't particularly interested in the game, but she needed to be there to support Malfoy and get back in his good graces. She was sure that by the time she was dressed the game was practically over.

She raced towards the field in hopes of spotting a few broomsticks still in the air, but she had no such luck.

"I hope Draco's alright. That nasty fall could have hurt him horribly."

Aria's ears pricked up as she turned to watch the two younger Slytherin girls walk past her.

"Excuse me!" She called after them. "Did you say something about Malfoy?"

The blonde girl nodded. "Yes, he fell off his broom and was rushed to the hospital wing. Nasty sight."

Aria knew that going down to the hospital wing and pretending to care about his injuries was all she needed to do to befriend him again. "Thanks, I'll go see him right away."

She only hoped he was conscious, she wasn't going to wait around for hours just to ask how he was feeling.

Aria stalked into the hospital wing and spotted the entire Slytherin team crowded around one bed near the corner of the room. She glanced around and saw Potter in another bed.

"Malfoy, what happened?" She asked as she reached his side and stared down at his pale face.

He opened his eyes, "Aria." He mumbled and closed them again.

"What happened?" She asked again.

"He lost, that's what happened." Aria turned to glare at Marcus Flint, captain of the Quidditch team and major git.

"Maybe if you were a better captain he wouldn't have lost."

"Would you look at that," He laughed and turned to his friends. "A girl trying to tell us how to play our game."

"It's clearly not your game if you're always losing!" Aria snapped. "Now get out. Malfoy needs his rest."

Marcus sent her one last glare before leaving with the remainder of the team. She turned her attention back to Malfoy. "You look awful."

"Thanks for that." He grumbled and groaned as he tried to adjust his position.

"You fell off your broom?"

"No! Potters a cheat is all."

"I'm sure he is." Aria rolled her eyes. "Come on, let's go back to the common room and you can tell me all about how he cheated."

Malfoy stared at her for a moment. "Why are you helping me? Surely you have someone you'd rather be punching in the face."

"Nope." She smiled. "Now, come on."

He swung his arm around her shoulder and began limping, using her as support as they made their way to the common room. She had multiple urges to shove him down some stairs or step on his injured foot, but she resisted, reminding herself that her kindness wasn't for nothing and this would all pay off in her favor.

Aria sat him down on the leather couch and took the seat next to him. "Never again." He promised. "I'm done with that stupid sport. Flying is for the owls."

"I agree." She nodded. "It is a dumb sport."

Draco leaned back into the sofa, making himself comfortable. "You missed the game, didn't you?"

"I was busy."

"With your Weasley boyfriend?" He snorted.

"You're rather stupid, you know that? My Weasley boyfriend is on the Quidditch team and as I hear it, almost knocked you out with a Bludger."

"You heard it wrong. The Bludger chased Potter around, almost killed me, though. Bloody twit, whoever sent that thing."

"Why would someone want to kill you, Malfoy?"

"My good looks and immense wealth, of course."

"Of course." She snorted. "How could I not have guessed that?"

She noted the grin that spread across his face. It was time to put her plan into action.

"I have to ask you something."

He looked at her curiously.

"It's very serious."

"Well, spit it out."

She leaned closer, whispering. "Do you know anything about the heir?"

Malfoy shot upright, opened his mouth to speak but then shut it again. "I have no idea." He confessed. "I heard it was you, Snape."

"I heard it was you."

"Well it's not me, must be you." He smirked.

"It's really not, which is why I'm worried. People think it's me, but this is so much bigger than they can even imagine. I heard McGonagall saying that this chamber everyone is talking about has a monster in it who wants to purge the school of all muggle-borns. I don't want to do that!"

Malfoy sent her a puzzled glance. "You're paranoid."

"Everyone's worried!"

"We have nothing to worry about. Let those mudbloods worry. It's neither of our concerns. If Dumbledore is so great, he can fix it."

"You're missing the point. What if I get expelled? More and more people are starting to think it's me."

He shook his head. "You're not going to be expelled and if by some chance you are punished for being the heir, I'll just have a word with my father. He's rather fond of you."

"Lucius? Fond of me?" Aria found that a difficult topic to grasp.

"Can't imagine why." He grinned.

Aria smacked his arm playfully. "Thank you, Malfoy."

"Don't mention it, seriously."

"Why?" She laughed. "Afraid people will see you're actually capable of doing something nice for others?"

"No! I-"

She shooshed him. "Wanna see my Skrewt? I'll go get him, wait right here."

Aria raced to her room, a feeling of relief washing over her. She would never admit to it, but it was nice to be on speaking terms with Draco again, nice to know that someone had her back and that she could count on him, even if he was a drama queen.

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