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Chapter Sixty-Seven


It was the assembly in which the champions of the tournament were to be revealed and she was late!

In a hurry, she slipped on her uniform and raced down to the Great Hall.

Everyone was already seated and just as she was tiptoeing in, gesturing to Draco to make room for her, Dumbledore called out her name.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I-" She began to explain, becoming slightly nervous when she realized that everyone's eyes from three bloody schools were on her.

"You're a champion."

"For oversleeping?" Aria didn't quite catch on to what he was telling her.

"For the tournament, Miss Snape. Would you please step forward?"

Aria's eyebrows furrowed at the sudden enlightenment. There was no possible way that she could be a champion. "What?"

"Step forward, Miss Snape."

Aria did as was instructed, ignoring the stares she received and watching as her father's expression turned to a frown.

She walked down a flight of stairs and made her way into a room with multiple trophies. Aria didn't know what was going on and looking around, the other four familiar faces had no idea either.

In the room were Harry, Cedric Krum, and a girl from the other school. Each had a turn in sending her a suspicious look.

A moment of silence and awkwardness passed before the teachers came crashing into the room. Dumbledore ran straight to Harry and just as Aria breathed a sigh of relief that she was not in his shoes, her father marched towards her. "You put your name in the Goblet?" He snapped and pointed a finger at her accusingly.

"No, father! I would never do that."

"Liar!" He turned to look at Dumbledore. "There is no way that your name was just miraculously called out." His eyes went sad. "Why would you do this?"

"I'm telling you I didn't!"

The headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy was quick to call both Aria and Harry liars and it was only then that Aria realized the same thing must have happened to Potter.

"The hell he is. The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object, only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it. Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year. As for Miss Snape, I heard her making it very clear that she had no interest in participating, even she could not have bypassed the magic, regardless of how talented a witch she is."

Aria did not feel any better after the acknowledgment of her talent, even if it may have been the first time a Professor had voiced it.

"You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-Eye." Igor eyed Aria suspiciously.

They argued for a moment and Aria turned to stare at Harry. He was looking at her too, a fearful expression on his face that Aria feared mirrored hers.

"The rules are absolute." Barty Crouch muttered. "The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Mr. Potter and Miss Snape have no choice. They are, as of tonight, Triwizard champions."

Aria felt her heart sink at the words. Professor Snape put his hand over her shoulder. "They are only children." He protested.

A few glances were exchanged between the professors before a silent agreement seemed to be made.

"You heard Barty," Dumbeldore said. "It is absolute. Leave now, champions."

Aria felt a few tears begin to form in her eyes as her father gently pushed her towards the door. She hadn't seen him this worried since... ever.

"I'm scared," Harry mumbled from beside her.

"Me too." She replied.

This was the worst possible thing that could ever have happened and despite that, when she got back to the common room, all she was greeted with were cheers, not worried friends or anything concerning, except for Draco. The blond boy sat expectantly on the couch, eyeing her sadly.

"Draco, I didn't do this." She whispered once the crowd had dispersed and she had managed to make her way over to him.

He nodded and slowly turned his head away. "You lied to me." He said just as softly. "You probably got your bloody boyfriend Cedric to put your name in!" His voice grew louder. "But you won't last in the tournament. You'll die, Aria."

She frowned at him. "I didn't do this to myself. Someone else did, I don't know who, but you seem certain that Cedric did it for some stupid bloody reason!" She sighed. "I know you're angry, but you could at least show me some support. You're supposed to be my friend!"

"I am your friend!" He yelled and stood up. "If I wasn't, I wouldn't care about your safety!"

"You've never bloody cared before!"

His eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you actually joking? All I've ever bloody cared about is you! Merlin," he threw his head back and laughed-it was fake. "Pathetic, aren't I?" He made for the stairs. "Do what you want, I'll support you." He mumbled. "But I'll never forgive you if you die."

"I won't die."

"You bloody better not."

Aria hoped that she wouldn't.

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