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Chapter Sixty

ARIA NIMBLY CLIMBED the steps of the Shrieking Shack. The eerie feeling that she was being watched followed her as she passed the dust stains and smears of blood that lined the floor and walls.

It wasn't a pleasing experience at all, but Aria pressed on. The map indicated that Lupin was nearby, just around the bend it said, but she remembered hearing Potter say that the map wasn't always accurate. She only hoped that she wasn't scaling the squeaky stairs only to find nothing atop them.

She shivered as an icy wind enveloped her and lifted her robes away from her cold skin

She noticed how on the map that Sirius and Lupin had stopped, four other names lingered close to theirs.

Harry and Ron and Hermione.

Those do-gooders! They would probably cover for Lupin. Aria shoved the map into her pocket, reaching for her wand before heading any farther.

A hand pulled her to the side. Luckily she noticed that it was her father before she used any hex on him. She had kept a few in the front of her mind just in case she had needed them when entering the shack. "Dad?"

He placed his index finger to his lip, gesturing for her to be quiet as he proceeded up the stairs. She followed, glad to have some company so that she wasn't the only one to witness Sirius and Lupin together.

She could hear voices coming from the room above the stairs.

"Expelliarmus!" Her dad had pointed his wand into the room and disarmed Sirius Black.

This was the first time that she had seen him up close, but he wasn't different from what she had expected. He was a dirty old man. Professor Snape's hatred of him resonated through her as she glared at him.

Aria made sure to remain partially hidden behind her father's robes, at least for the time being, in case there was any sort of dueling. She wouldn't mind giving Lupin a few scars for all that he had done to her father in the past. In fact, it would be an honor.

"Ah, vengeance is sweet. How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you." Professor Snape said.

Lupin tried to say something, but Snape cut him off. "I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle. And now, here's the proof."

"Brilliant Snape." Sirius chimed in. "Once again you've put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion!" He sighed. "Now if you'll excuse us, Remus and I have unfinished business to attend to."

"Who do you think you are?" Aria stepped forward, her wand at the ready as she stared into Sirius's eyes. "Speak to my father like that again. I dare you."

Sirius's eyes flickered as he took in Aria from head to toe, his gaze moving upwards and stopping as he stared into her eyes. His stare moved from Aria to her father to the group of third years and back again. "Severus. You dirty git!" He snapped and turned to Lupin who had the same expression of knowing on his face. Aria gave no sign that his reaction had taken her off-guard and confused the hell out of her, she kept her wand high.

Professor Snape stepped in front of his daughter, wand in hand and a threatening glint in his eye. He completely ignored their comments and resumed from before. "Give me a reason. I beg you."

"Severus, don't be a fool," Lupin called out. Aria was quick to point her wand at him.

"He can't help it. It's habit by now."

Aria could not believe her ears. Had Sirius just spoken so rudely to the people who were going to send him back to Azkaban? He had some nerve and Aria was beginning to understand why her father spoke so lowly of him.

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