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Chapter One Hundred and One

ARIA'S EYES TRAILED over Draco beside her and she released a breath. She felt so whole next to him and it was as if all her problems and worries had just vanished when she was in his arms.

His chest rose slowly as he breathed and then turned to face her and smiled.

"I've wanted this for so long." He whispered and moved a stray strand of hair that had fallen onto Aria's face.

"Me too." She admitted. For how long, she didn't know but after having done it she realized it was an itch she'd wanted to scratch for quite some time.

"I've loved you since we met. You're the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen." He whispered and leaned in to kiss her.

"I love you too." She whispered against his mouth. It was the first time she had said it back to Draco after years of hearing him say it and not only did she feel like it was the absolute truth, she knew it deep in her bones when he smiled at her.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. Everything was perfect.

But the longer they lay in silence, the more Aria realized that everything was far from perfect. Draco still had his task. The thought weighed down on her.

"What were you doing in Hogsmeade?" She wondered, running her fingers along his arm. He had to have been doing something important if he could take his mind off the task for so long.

He sighed, she felt his body tense at the question. "It was nothing." He mumbled.

"Draco." She lifted herself onto her elbow to look down at him, knowing he was lying.

He sighed and closed his eyes. "Do we have to talk about this now?"

"Yes. Yes, we do. What were you doing in Hogsmeade?"

A moment passed where he said nothing, only stared up at Aria not speaking and with a contemplative look in his eye.


"I can't kill Dumbledore, okay!" He snapped. "I can't do it, not the way he wants me to. I... found another way."

"What did you do?"

"I cursed a necklace, used Imperio on Madam Rosmerta who gave it to Katie Bell." He shrugged, but Aria didn't miss the tremble in his lips when he spoke. "She'll give it to Dumbledore."

"You used an Unforgivable Curse." Aria gulped. "Draco, you don't need to—"

"Aria, I have to kill him. Using a bad spell is the least of my problems."

She shook her head, biting her lip in frustration. "No, no you don't. We can leave. We can run away together." She stood up and reached for her clothes. "Yes. I can start packing, we'll be out of here by tonight."

Draco watched as she paced around the room, collecting her clothes and mumbling hurried sentences.

"We can go to a place where he'll never find us, where nobody will ever find us. I'll change my name—"

"Have you gone insane, Aria?"

She stopped and looked at him. "What?"

"This is not your task."

"It affects you therefore it affects me. I love you. I'll do anything for you. I'll complete the task for you."

He shook his head and stood up. "Absolutely not."

"Once it's done we can run away. It doesn't matter who does it."

He took her hands in his to keep her in place. "You're not doing it." He spoke in a tone that told her there was no use in arguing.

She wanted to argue back, but there was no changing his mind. She could see that he was serious about this. "Fine." She gave in. "But promise you'll tell me before you do anything."

He nodded. "Of course."

"It was really stupid what you did, they'll find out it was you who cursed her. I'll cover for you as much as I can. I'll do anything you need."

He cupped her face in his hands. "I just need you." He whispered and kissed her again.

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