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Chapter Ninety-One

THERE WERE NEW orders and decrees every day. One day there was a large parchment on the wall banning student organizations, the next day another large parchment was hung up stating that boys and girls couldn't be within eight inches of each other.

When Aria had read that, she immediately scooted closer to Malfoy, so close that their arms had been touching.

Everything had gone downhill from then on.

Dumbeldore's Army as George had mentioned was having continuous lessons and she got to hear about each and every one of them.

How they learned to produce a patronus charm, practiced many curses and hexes, and of course how wonderful Katie was at everything.

Aria tried to focus her mind on other, more important matters, like her N.E.W.T exams. Not a class went by where the Professor wasn't nagging about them.

For the Charms N.E.W.T, Aria would have to produce a perfect Ascendio spell. For Transfiguration, she would have to turn a toad into a toadstool, for Divination, the fine art of Ornithomacy, not to mention the countless assignments she had to know by heart for Muggle Studies.

She had far more pressing matters to attend to than sit around worrying about the D.A, it was honestly embarrassing to herself that she cared so much about what a group of fifth-year Gryffindor losers was doing on a day-to-day basis.

Professor Snape had called her after a lesson, sat her down, and began speaking to her about the most absurd things. He wanted her to be head girl.

"I wasn't even a prefect, father. Dumbeldore would never consider me for that position." Aria had to admit that as appealing as being the head girl sounded, she had zero chance of attaining the position.

"On the contrary, he asked me to speak to you about it."


"I think it would do you good. You have the leadership skills, all you need is the authority now. Think about how many students you could give detention."

"It does sound... nice," Aria had already considered that but she didn't want to seem too eager. "But do you honestly believe that I have a chance?"

He nodded. "Of course. Your mother was head girl, she would want you to do this."

"Then I will."

Only, it would be easier said than done. Headgirls needed a nearly perfect record, Aria didn't have that. She had the academic requirements, although the honest, good, and hard-working personality was a bit of a stretch.

There was no way that she could become headgirl. Not unless she pulled the my father is a teacher card.

Aria headed to Dumbledore's office and awaited his audience. He seemed surprised to see her and asked her to take a seat before she began her explanation, the headmaster giving her a neutral expression the entire time.

"Please, Headmaster. I honestly think that I can do this. I won't abuse my authority when I become the head girl. I'll do it right, just like my mother."

Dumbledore sighed. "I announce who the heads are next week, Aria. I've already made my decision."

"You can change your mind. Besides a few tiny little mishaps, I'm an honor student. I've never failed a test, I've attended more or less every class and my marks are one of the highest in Slytherin. I see no reason why I shouldn't be head girl."

Dumbledore said nothing, staring her down.

"It would make my father proud. Professor Snape hardly ever shows any interest in my achievements, I know that this one would please him greatly."


"Please just consider it, Headmaster."

Aria left his office swiftly after that, not waiting to hear his excuses.

She knew that she'd touched a nerve when she mentioned her father—they'd always been close, there was no way that Dumbeldore would deny her head girl now.


"And now, for the headgirl and headboy." Dumbledore announced.

Aria closed her eyes, waiting in anticipation for the results.

"Headboy goes to... Noah Williams." A Ravenclaw boy stood from his table, all of his friends cheering him on as he hurried to Dumbledore's side, where he was presented with a badge.

"Headgirl is..." Dumbeldore's eyes trailed across the room before he announced it as if second-guessing himself. "Aria Snape."

Aria squealed in delight and made her way towards Dumbledore, noticing how the cheering had died down when her name was mentioned. She received multiple glares from all corners of the hall, but she didn't care. Now she could give them detention.

Dumbledore pinned the headgirl badge to her robes and sent her a small smile. She looked towards her father who was clapping enthusiastically, next to him, Umbridge also seemed uncharacteristically cheery about the whole thing.

Aria paid no mind to it and went to stand next to Noah.

"Congratulations." He said, smiling at her.

She smiled back. "Thank you, you as well."

Aria's eyes scanned the school. A few people were clapping for her, George, Draco, Anna, and a lot of other Slytherin's. Matilda and Madison on the other hand did not look at all pleased with the outcome.

As for the rest of the houses, there was a strained smile upon almost every student's face. She grinned. Now she could, by all means, have someone expelled for disrespecting her.

Take that, D.A! Aria thought, her smile widening. The ones who didn't want her to join were her first target. They would receive detention for the rest of the year.

This is going to be so much fun!

She sent a smile towards Matilda and waved, mouthing watch out as she did so.

Aria may have promised Dumbledore that she wouldn't abuse her authority, but that was all that she planned to do.

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