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Chapter One Hundred and Seven

IT HAD BEEN one month. Aria lay awake in the bed, pondering her many life choices.

It was September first, her father had gone back to Hogwarts, this time as Headmaster. She had considered going with him, but there was no point. She wouldn't be of much help and facing any of the students after what had happened... She had told herself that it didn't matter. She was better off at Malfoy Manor, out of the way and safe from harm, even if this place was swarming with Death Eaters.

Aria subtly ran her hand across her stomach. She would be a mother. Draco wasn't aware yet and as he slept beside her, twitching slightly, she was grateful. He was in no mindset to even consider having a child, he'd probably go insane if he found out.

She felt her stomach pull tightly and then release — small pains that she become used to and Narcissa assured her were normal. The woman had gone out of her way to cater to Aria and to keep her secret.

She wondered how things would have played out had Lily been alive. Would she still be sharing a bed with Malfoy if that were the case?

A wave of nausea flooded over Aria, she closed her eyes and hoped it would go away. Rushing to the bathroom every hour was not fun, nor cryptic in any way. People would soon suspect. Aria could have sworn that Bellatrix knew by how she had stared at her the morning before. She wasn't scared of Bella, though. She had grown quite fond of her, apart from her inability to shut her mouth. Aria saw bits and pieces of herself in Bellatrix sometimes when she would curse someone for simply looking at her wrong or swear about a loose floor tile.

She felt Draco stir beside her. He wrapped his arm across Aria and pulled her in. "Morning." He whispered and kissed her neck.

She smiled in response and leaned into him.

Needless to say, she had been avoiding him. Apart from having to sleep in the same bed as him and share mealtimes, whenever she could, Aria would walk across the grounds and make a point to ignore his presence. Maybe he'd get fed up and kick her out. No, Draco would never do that, but Aria was desperate to get away with her baby. She was sure growing up around the Dark Lord wouldn't provide for a healthy childhood.

Those and similar thoughts kept her up all night.


She internally groaned and craned her neck to look back at him.

"Is everything alright?"

She gulped. "Yes." Her voice cracked on the word, but she tried to play it off by coughing afterward. "Why do you ask?"

His hand moved to her stomach, he dragged his fingertips across it gently in a circular motion. She tried not to flinch, hoping that nothing would give her away. Her bump was growing, not a lot, however. She could pass it off as bloating or a too-big dinner.

"You've been distant lately." He mumbled, continuing to move his fingers across her skin, a movement that would have usually resulted in the both of them stripped naked within the next minute, but she made no move to encourage him. "Like you're avoiding me."

"Oh," Her mind went blank. No excuses came to mind. "Sorry." She said, hoping he would drop it.

"Have you?" He moved his hand downwards. "Been avoiding me?"

"No." She struggled to get the word out. She had missed his touch, craved his affection, but she worried that one wrong move might reveal her secret.

She wished she had a mother to tell her what to do. Narcissa was great, but she was busy, she had her husband to take care of and a house full of Death Eaters to worry about. Aria realized just how little knowledge she had on pregnancy. She didn't know what she was doing.

"You have." He whispered against her neck. "You always leave the room when I walk in. You're always asleep by the time I come to bed. When I look for you, you're nowhere to be found." He moved his tongue along her neck, his other hand sliding under her shirt. "I miss you."

As he made to move on top of her, she jumped to her feet. "I miss you too." She smiled, hoping it was convincing, but the words came out far too rushed to be believable. "There's just... a lot going on."

He stared at her in confusion. "Talk to me about it then."

"You have enough on your plate—"

"Just tell me what's bothering you." He said. "We're supposed to communicate."

She began to collect her clothing for the day, a distraction. "Nothing is bothering me, okay." She kissed his cheek and moved to the door, "I'll see you later."

He stood up and beat her to the exit, blocking her path. "See, you are avoiding me!"

"Draco, let me pass." She held her clothes tightly against her, feeling angry as he obscured her path.

"Not until you tell me what's going on."

She folded her arms across her chest, looking away in defiance. She wouldn't tell him anything, not with the way he was acting.


"Move." She tried to push past him, but he was stronger than her, and trying to move him was like trying to move a wall. She grew angrier and shoved him.

Much to her surprise, he did move, but not in the way she had wanted him to. Instead, he had grabbed her and pushed her against the wall in a rather forceful manner. Under any other circumstances she wouldn't have minded, but it was different now.

She squirmed under his grip. "Let me go!" She struggled as he held onto her arms.

He let go and she ran for the door, crying. Draco was left, staring after her in wonder as he heard her sobs down the hallway.

Aria ran into the nearest bathroom, locked the door, and cried against the wall, cursing her raging hormones for making her so teary.

If only she could tell him, but what other complications would that lead to? No, she had to keep her pregnancy a secret for as long as she possibly could. In the meantime, she would try and figure out how she was going to raise a child in such a horrendous environment.

The thought wasn't appealing. She peeled off her sleeping clothing and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash away her tears.

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