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Chapter Twenty-Eight

IT HAD BEEN two days since the year had started and already things were looking down for Aria. She took a seat next to Malfoy for breakfast, earning several glares from surrounding Slytherins. She didn't know for sure what everyone's problem was, although she had a pretty good idea.

"Almost had my finger bitten off yesterday by a stupid plant." Malfoy tore her attention from the others.

"What was your finger doing anywhere near a plant's mouth in the first place?" She asked, bored as she fiddled with the scrambled egg on her plate.

"It wasn't my fault. It's that dumb Herbology class. I hate it-it's so useless."

Aria nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, unfortunately, Herbology is a core subject-not something you can drop. I suppose it helps in some aspects. I remember last year-"

Aria's sentence was cut short as a shriek came from the Gryffindor table. Everyone turned to stare as Ronald Weasley got his head bitten off by a howler from his mother. Sniggers sounded from around the Slytherin table and Aria wanted to laugh too but kept it to herself. That was her boyfriend's brother after all. She shuddered at the thought and pushed her plate away, suddenly queasy.

"As fun as this was, I have to get going." She stood up.

"Me too. My first lessons with Lockhart." Malfoy groaned.

Aria turned her nose up at the mention of him. "Good luck."

Aria felt around her pockets and bag, noticing that she had forgotten her timetable behind in the dorm. She couldn't very well go back and get it-that would result in her being late for class and probably another week's worth of detention. She thought back and remembered that she had Herbology first-the Professor had mentioned something about a surprise.

"Hey." George hugged her as she walked into Greenhouse One. Several of her Slytherin peers sent judgmental glances her way, all looking away when she glared back.

"Any sign of Sprout? I just want to know what this bloody surprise is and get it out of the way."

At Aria's words, the stubby Professor plodded into the Greenhouse, a chipper grin on her round face. "Morning everyone, morning." She set down a large box. "I hope you all received my message yesterday about that special surprise I have for you." She said, slipping a pair of gloves onto her hands. She removed the lid of the box, throwing it to the side and as Aria stepped closer to get a better look, she saw multiple scorpion-like creatures moving around.

Her face fell at the sight of the disgusting creatures. "What in Merlin's name are those things?" The words slipped out of her mouth.

"A mix between a Manticore and a Fire Crab. Strange little things." She picked one up and handed it to the closest student. "Each of you take one-they're only babies and won't be difficult to raise."

"Raise?" Someone gulped.

Aria wondered for a moment if she was in the wrong class and had accidentally wandered into Care of Magical Creatures.

"Yes." Sprout handed Aria the last one, she took it and held it far from her body. "They're called Skrewts. I want each of you to look after them for the next two months and then we'll release them into the Forbidden Forest when they'll be too big and dangerous to keep as pets. This will be your term task, I want you to find different concoctions of certain plant minerals to feed them and research their ideal habitat-stuffing it under your bed won't do, Mr. Gill-" She added with a laugh. "They prefer a moist habitat. Everything you need to know can be found in your textbooks."

Aria gained the courage to examine the Skrewt more closely.

"Oh, and they shoot fire out of their bottoms, so watch out for that."

"Fire out of their what?" Aria gasped as the Skrewt in her palm did exactly as Sprout had warned and shot a few places forward, falling from her hands and onto the floor, releasing a cry of pain. Aria cursed and bent to pick up the creature.

"Snape, that's minus ten percent." Sprout crossed her arms.

Aria cursed again, so much for doing well this year. Her father would have her head.

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