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Chapter Sixty-Three

ARIA TRUDGED UP the many stairs, keeping the back of Malfoy's head in sight as she trailed behind him and his father. "How much further?" She grumbled. This whole ordeal had made Aria reconsider her hatred towards any sports. She needed to get in shape, considering a few stairs had her out of breath.

Aria knew that it was an honor to be in the minister's box at one of the biggest Quidditch matches ever, but she still wondered if all of the walking was necessary. Surely they could fly up on a broom or something?

"Stop your complaining." Malfoy spat, not sparing a glance back as he carried on, apparently unaffected by the exercise.

Aria stuck her tongue out at him and had been about to make a snotty comment about his greasy hair when an all too familiar voice reached her ears and made her stop in her tracks.

Ronald Weasley.

George was nearby, then.

Aria, in protest against her aching heart, shot her eyes upwards and spotted the redheaded family. George was looking right down at her. She remembered how excited he had been to attend the world cup, even last year.

She frowned at him and looked away.

"Well, put it this way," Lucius said in response to some question that Aria had not heard. "If it rains, you'll be the first to know."

"We're in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself," Draco said from beside Aria, she nodded along to his words.

"Don't boast, Draco." Lucius scolded his son. "There's no need to with these people." Aria mimicked the glare he sent the Weasley's. "Do enjoy yourselves. While you can."

Aria hurried to Draco's side as he continued to walk, wanting to get as far away from that family as possible. Cornelius waved them over excitedly once he saw them. Aria waved back shyly, she wasn't sure how to address the minister, which proved to be a problem as he stood right before her. "Lucius!" He hugged him. "Draco! And..." His sentence trailed off as his eyes landed on Aria. "Aaah, Draco mentioned that you would be joining us. Aria Snape?"

"Yes, sir."

"Cornelius, please. It is so lovely to meet you." He grinned yet again and Aria forced a smile onto her face as he avidly shook her hand.

"Oh, oh, here come the Irish!" He pointed as their colors decorated the sky in clouds of green.

Aria sat down next to Draco and clapped solemnly. Neither of them cared for the Irish. Bulgaria was by far the better team.

Cornelius clapped for both as they flew out, though, with an equal amount of enthusiasm that for some reason put Aria on edge. He looked like a mad man.

"Look, it's Viktor Krum!" Draco roared and pointed to the big picture of him. Aria cheered at the sight of him. She thought he was the most gorgeous Quidditch player in the whole world.

"Good evening!" The voice sounded as if it from everywhere even considering that Aria could see Fudge speaking not far from where she sat. "As Minister for Magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the four-hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!"

The game lasted for some time and even seeing as Aria screamed her lungs dry and cheered to her heart's content when Krum caught the snitch, Ireland won in the end.

"What rubbish!" Aria complained once the game was over, glaring up at the night sky in frustration.

Draco agreed. "Cheating, I swear."

"Of course they did. Nobody can beat Krum."

"Fancy him, do you?"

"Let's just say that I wouldn't mind riding his broomstick."

Draco snorted and turned away.

Lucius mumbled something to Fudge before turning to the two of them. "Let's go."

"Already?" Aria groaned. "I wanted to go-"

"Now." He sent her a stern look that usually was reserved for a father but seeing as she was always around, Lucius treated her as strictly as he did Draco. It was rather annoying.

Rolling her eyes and blowing a kiss in Viktor Krum's direction (earning an eyeroll from Draco as she did so), she grabbed onto Lucius's arm and apparated back to Malfoy Manor, unaware of the danger that she had just escaped.


Aria glared with enough intensity at the newspaper she held that it wouldn't surprise her if she burnt holes into it. "What the bloody hell is this?" She spat and kicked Draco's shin. He groaned and looked at her in annoyance.

They were currently on the Hogwarts Express and Aria had just heard the disturbing news that moments after she had left the Quidditch World Cup, a series of awful events had occurred.

The Dark Mark had appeared in the sky. She had wondered why upon stepping onto the train everybody seemed to quiet down and glare as she passed, and now she knew the reason. Another fantastic year to come, surely.

Draco barely acknowledged her complaints and stared out the window instead. She noticed that he looked more mature this year, his jawline was coming in, she stared at it as she he faced the window. Clearing her throat, she looked away to focus on anything else.

She looked in the opposite direction, watching the passage from the compartment they shared. Numerous students passed, even a certain young ginger girl who glared at her. Aria wondered if her assistance in saving Ginny from the Chamber had all happened in her imagination, because surely her good deed did not earn a glare like that from the third-year girl.

Aria rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the newspaper in her hand. She was so done with the Weasleys! And Gryffindors in general, but mostly that ridiculous redheaded family. They were all so self righteous and obnoxious.

"Just let them accuse me or dad of being death eaters this year. Let them try. I'll show them what an unforgivable curse looks like." She snapped as she stared at the newspaper, predicting that the funny looks she had been receiving was only the beginning of what was to come.

"Behaving like that is only going to get you kicked out." Draco rolled his eyes.

"It hasn't so far. Besides, I hear that we have guests this year. Father didn't specify anything, only said that, and it's left me wondering. Surely Dumbledore will be far too focused on them to worry about what I get up to."

The rest of the train ride filled with a comfortable silence between the two of them. Draco was in a foul mood and news had spread across the school that Aria attended the Quidditch World Cup-between her and Potter rumors were flying. It was rather annoying, but she paid no heed to it. At least not yet, but she was more than curious as to what her sixth year at Hogwarts would have been store for her, and judging by the start, it surely couldn't be good.

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