14. American Gothic

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        Chapter Fourteen

        American Gothic

        American Gothic is the American form of the literary movement known as dark romanticism.

        "I've seen worse."

        "Where have you seen worse?"

        The herd of cross-country students all stood in front of the Glen Capri, a shitty motel that was probably the only motel that the school could afford. Shay stood next to Stiles and Danny, her gym bag hanging off of one side. She stared at the motel, no exactly impressed by it but not exactly repulsed either.

        Coach Finstock stood in front of the teenagers before blowing his whistle, "Listen up. The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely."

        One by one the students grabbed a room key, rooming up with two or more. Shay figured that she would be staying with Stiles and Scott, not that she minded really. As the three of them walked towards the stairs to their rooms, Coach yelled from behind, "And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"

        For some reason, that made Stiles awkwardly start to blush. Scott jiggled the room key into the slot, having trouble getting it open. As Scott was doing this, she glanced over to the sign. Motel Glen Capri was spelled out in vibrate lights of red and blue. On top of the sign was that same damn bird. It was like Shay and the raven were having a stare off, the raven letting out a cry but his eyes always on her.

        Nervously, Shay gulped before walking into the room, seeing as Scott finally got it open. The room had two twin sized beds with one pillow each and green blankets place on them. While Scott and Stiles casual dropped their bags on the ground and flopped onto the bed, Shay stared at the beds uncomfortably.

        "Um guys...there is two beds and three of us." She said as the boy's eyes widened. The three of them have been best friends since toddler ages but they've never slept in the same bed together before.

        Scott, breaking the awkward tension in the air, was first to speak up, "Stiles, you wouln't mind at all if Shay slept with you in your bed, would you?"

        While Shay was confused by the amused tone in Scott's voice, Stiles's jaw clenched, sending a glare Scott's way before turning to Shay, "I wouldn't mind at all."

        She smiled, "Cool"

        Shay dropped her bag next to the others before walking next to her and Stiles's bed. She flopped down on her back, her body inches away from Stiles. Staring at the ceiling wasn't very interesting but Stiles decided to bring up all the suspects on who could be committing all the human sacrifices.

        "All right, so I have four." Stiles said.

        "Four! You have four suspects." Scott exclaimed, surprised that four people could make the "Stiles Stilinski's accused murder suspect list".

        "Yeah, it was originally ten. Well, nine technically, I guess. I had Derek on there twice." Stiles said which made Shay roll her eyes.

        She scoffed, "Derek? You think Derek freaking Hale is a dark druid that is out and committing sacrifices?"


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