Chapter Twenty

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Sorry I took forever. I'm disappointed that I only received one comment (One person= one comment)

A standing ovation by everyone in the building I smile and say thanks into the microphone before stepping off the stage and going over to the booth.

"So how'd we do?" Jude asks as we take a seat in the booth.

"You both did awesome." Niall says.

"Thanks." Jude and I say at the same time we both grin at each other.

"Who's turn is it now?" I ask.

"I'll go." Niall says scooting out of the booth. He goes to the lady sitting at the edge of the small stage. He does on the stage after talking to her he sits on a bar stool and someone brings him a guitar.

"I'll be singing 'Listen' by David Guetta sung by John Lennon."

(A.N I know you guys hate song lyrics and are probably sick of it so pretend he sang. Song on the side)

Another standing ovation from everyone in the building which isn't surprising at all considering it was Niall. No one else wanted to go so we just watched other people there was a few decent ones but mostly people who were tone deaf. But that was alright, I'm pretty sure most of them realized it too they were just there to have fun.

We ordered three large things of chicken wings and three pitchers of drinks as we eat and drank we talked and sometimes watched the person currently singing.

My phone goes off making me excuse myself and go outside to answer it. "Hello?" I ask plugging my ear that wasn't to the phone.

"Jay Jay! Where are you? When did your plane land?" Sammy's voice screeches on the other end. Sammy was my step sister.

"Oh shit! Sammy I totally forgot to tell you. I decided to stay in London." I say.

"What? I made my boyfriend move out again. Jayla come on! When are you coming home?" She asks.

"I don't think I will for quite a long time." I say.

"What why? Did you find a new job." She asks.

"You can say that. I'm going on tour with One Direction." I say excitedly.

"What? What? WHAT?!" She yells happily.

"Yes! I'm so excited." I say practically jumping now.

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited for you."

"Thanks. I'm excited too." I say.

"Can I come on tour with you?" She asks. My smile turned to a frown.

"I'll have to ask the tour manager and the boys." I say.

"I just know they'll say yes." She says confidently.

"I bet they will." I say. Please bless they say no. Sammy has stolen more then one of my boyfriends and slept with them while I was dating them. I can't have that happen again.

"Who are you with? Are you with 1D? Can I talk to one of them? Please?" She asks.

"I'm not w-."

"Hey Jayla you out here?" I turn to see Niall.

"Is that Niall? I know it's him. He's my favorite! I call dibs." She screeches.

"Who you talking to?" He asks.

'Step sister.' I mouth to him.

"Oh." He murmurs nodding.

"Can I talk to him? Please?"

"I'll talk to her." He offers, over hearing her.

"O-ok." I hand him the phone.

He puts it to his ear. "Hello, love." Niall says cheekily winking at me.

"Oh my gosh. Hi! Your my favorite you know." She says loudly.

"Thanks." He says wincing at how loud she is.

"Can I ask you a big, huge favor?" She asks.

"Sure..." He says still trying to keep his charm.

"Can I come on tour with you guys? Please?"

"Um..." He looks to me for an answer. I hesitate but I shake my head.

"Sorry the guest lift is full with the boys girlfriend and my cousin is coming too." Niall says quickly, I could tell he was lying on some part of it.

"Come on. You can squeeze me in." She practically begs.

"Sorry love we're full." Niall says.

"B-but." He hands me the phone quickly.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Niall said I could come." Sammy says.

"I heard the whole conversation." I say plainly.

"Whatever." She genres hanging up.

"Well that was pleasant." Niall says sarcastically putting his arm around my waist as we go back inside.

Sorry it it's short I wrote it on my phone. Sorry the chapter was kind of crap but it's going to get semi interesting in the next chapter.

Three comment to continue.

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