Chapter 4

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Niall's POV

I'm home, finally its only been a week but it seemed like a life time. I was actually supposed to stay for another week but I got extremely bored and lonely. I couldn't hang out with the members of Straight Up because they went home right after judgement. Ugh losers. I climbed the steps to the front door carrying two suitcases. I was way tired so I took lazy steps. Finally I got to the door I find that door had not Been shut properly so I am able to just push it open with ease.

"I'm home." I yell no answer everyone must have gone out. Ugh more alone time, I've really started to being alone. Simon was so boring and the other contestants all wanted to work on a new song or something like that, turds. Now I have to carry my luggage up a another flight of stares, but this time I go as fast as I can, I go into my room, luggage in hand. I put my luggage in my step in closet, to lazy to unpack no, I jump onto my comfortable couch chair that was in my closet and fall instantly to sleep.

Harry's POV

"Guys I miss Niall, it's so boring without him." Louis complains as we reach the front door.

"Guys why is the front door open?" Liam asks getting nervous.

"Maybe Niall's home." Louis suggested.

"You know he wouldn't leave the door open, every time he comes home he automatically locks it after him.

"Ever since He accidentally left the door open and about fifty girls rushed in. Then he had a clostophibic attack and none of us were home, he could've died because we weren't there. Luckily Sean was visiting and yelled at the girls until they left." I say.

"That's true. Wait what if Niall had a clostophobic attack at Barbados and we're not there to help." Zayn says starting to panic.

"Calm down Zayn. Niall has a buttload of bodyguards around him, no need to worry. What we really need to worry about is why was the door left open. There can be a burglar or a crazed fan in here and were just talking." Liam says.

"You've got a point, everyone split up and check, especially check the rooms that are locked." We separate, I decided to check the bedrooms upstairs first. Niall's room was first. His room was clean which at first came as a surprise but then I remembered that Zayn had cleaned it after going in to get a movie and finding Niall's room and finding it extremely dirty. He sat through half of the movie before he couldn't handle it anymore and cleaned it. I look behind his curtain and his shoe closet but I didn't bother looking in his actual closet, blame Niall. He told me all these stories about large spiders in his closet. Never going in there again. I check all the bedrooms, but nothing. Finally I give up and go down stairs to find rest of the lads had already given up and were all sitting on the couch watching Paranormal Activity 3 with the lights off. We could finally watch it since Niall was gone. He hates watching scary movies with us. Since we made him cry last time.


We sent Louis to his room after he made a huge mess in the kitchen, after he tried to start a food fight. Niall walks in with a McDonalds drink and a McDouble.

"Hey where's Louis? I got him a drink." Niall asks closing the door with his foot.

"Niall don't slam the door." Liam warns beside me.

"OK." Niall sighs.

"Louis went out." I lie Liam and Zayn look at me in bewilderment. I put my finger to my lips.


Louis, we're trying to scare Niall. we're going to watch World War Z. Niall thinks that your gone. Are you in?

I text Louis.

"Hey are you guys up for Work War Z I just bought it yesterday." They all agreed to watch the movie. We all sat on the couch when my phone goes off.

I'm totally in. Be ready.

I quickly texted back.

Oh I'm beyond ready.

As we watched the movie I watched Niall getting more and more intense and scared. We were now at the scariest part in the whole movie, the lab. Niall was sitting back, his knees were up to his chest, his hands were over his eyes but he could still see from in between his fingers. He was terrified. It was the perfect time.


Is all I text Louis. Automatically I hear chattering like the zombies do in the movie and it got louder as if it were coming closer.

"Did you hear that?" Niall asks removing his hands from his face. He looks behind him only to yell out in terror. I follow his gaze to see a shadow slowly, creepily limping foreword.

"G-guys there's a-a zombie!!" Niall yells pointing at the shadow. Tears started to build up in his eyes. But of course Louis couldn't see this and kept making the noises. Louis started making creepy grunting and moaning noises. Tears started to stream down Niall's face he was so scared. I couldn't take it anymore and I quickly turned the lights off. Stopping Louis who was coming around the corner.

"Why'd you turn the lights on I was getting to the good Pa-" He stops mid sentence seeing Niall's face.

"Oh my gosh I didn't even realize." Louis rushes over to Niall and pulls him into a hug. We all join in. I felt so bad.

End of flashback

We watched as the mom started to freak out as her stuff were thrown around by a invincible ghost. BANG BANG CRASH. I look behind me three books have flown across the room hitting the wall and falling to ground. We all scream bloody murder. The light are turned on and Niall comes into the room with a wide smirk on his face.

"Niall you scared the crap out of me." Zayn complains.

"That's what you get." Niall says laughing. Wait Niall's home we all realize this and we rush to him. Que the group hug.

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