Chapter 2

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I stand in a line with about thirty other girls as the names were called off I clutch my phone in my hand for support.

'This is the last contestant going through to judges house." A small part of me knew that it wasn't me but the other part hoped that dad was just fooling around with me making me wait and be the last person called.

"Miley Steven. I'm sorry for whoever didn't make it through, try next year." Dad says. I go off stage tears start to run down my cheeks.

"Sorry for your inconvenience but will the following people come with me? Skylar Larson, Ashton Wilkerson, Jude Barlow and Jayla Cowell." I wipe my tears away and follow the man, following me were three guys, who all had tear streaked faces.

"Welcome back, I can tell that you've all had a hard time dealing with the news of not being chosen." Dad says him telling that to me is like a slap in the face telling me that I didn't make it.

"We've decided all of your are to talented to let go of. This has never happened before but were putting you four in a group." The guy in the middle of us pulled us all together in one quick movement into a bear hug.

"Guys this is a life line you got a great shot at this competition." Dad says winking. I run down the steps and rush into dads arms and brings me to arms length.

"I knew even if you were by yourself you'd make it through but I know you better then letting you go through by yourself. The experience is better if your in a group and I want what's best for you." Dad says.

"Thanks dad." I smile up at him.

"Jayla!" One of the boys calls me over. I run to his side.

"Jayla how was that experience?" The cameraman asks me.

"The worst day of my life turned to the best and I got three guys to go through this experience with." I say flashing a smile at the boys.

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