Chapter 8 Part 2

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Straight Up band members:

Jayla Cowell

Skylar Larson

Ashton Wilkerson

Jude Barlow

I turn to my saviour ... Liam James Payne. This is my first time seeing Liam in real life so I'm entitled to be just a little shocked.

"Thank you." I manage to get out. 

He smiles warmly. "Your welcome. I know how it is to be mobbed." He says. "It's a miracle that you didn't spill any of your drinks." He comments. 

"Yeah it's a relief." I say. 

"Here I'll walk you out." He says taking my arm. As we walk I notice his limp, I look down to see a cast on his right foot. Then I remebered that he had been in the hospital when I was. 

"How is your foot?" I ask.

"Good. How is your head?' He asks. 

"It's healing." I say. When we reach the Strabucks exit he turns to me. 

"We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Liam Payne." He says sticking out his hand. I shift the drinks to only on hand and balance it on my side. I take his hand in mine.

"My name is Jayla Cowell." I say as we shake hands. "Well I'll be on my way." I say.

"Bye." He says

"I'll see you later." I say heading down the street towards the apartment I share with the boys.

I glance back to look at Liam when I crash into someone spilling the coffee on both of us. The hot coffree burs my hands and arms . I gasp as my skin starts to turn an alarming shade of red.

"Oh my gosh are you alright?" I look up to see... Niall. The rest of the boys of One Direction were behind him. I feel my face reden a little. As my hands and wrists burn. I look down at Nialls hands and they were also the same shade of red. 

"Oh Niall your hands." I try reaching out to touch his hands but when I tried moving my hands they just hurt. I hear footsteps running over I didn't look to see who it was just in case of my hands moving. Liam appears in between Niall and I and looks at both of our hands and wrists. 

"Are you both alright?" Liam asks after he both nods he gingerly takes my hands in his. He runs his finger over my knuckles gently and I wince. 

"You both have first degree burns. You both won't get blisters and it will heal from five to ten days. I will be painful." Liam says.

I look up into his eyes. "How do you know this?" I ask.

"My mum's a nurse." He says simply. 

"I'll go ask for a first aid kit." Zayn says and he disappears into the Starbucks. He comes out minutes later with a small red box with the first aid symbol on it. After Liam dresses both our wounds my phone goes off. 

Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby
Yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby
Listen to Iron Maiden baby... with me

I quickly put my phone to my ear. 


"Jay where the heck are you?" Ashton asks loudly. 

"Don't yell I can here you." I say laughing. "I'm still at Starbucks I'm coming home right now." I say.

"OK hurry Sky and Jude were beginning to worry." He says. 

"You were the one pacing in front of the front door." I hear Jude yell. I laugh again. 

"So you missed me too I hear." I say smirking. 

"Whaaat? No way I just wanted my coffee." He says quickly. But I knew the truth. 

"Anyway I'll get home in a phew and I got an idea for the song." I say. 

"What song is it?" He asks. 

"I'll tell you when I get home." I say. 

"No tell me now." Ashton complains. 

"Nope later." Before he could complain even further I hang up and put my phone in my back pocket. 

"Well I've got to go. Thank you." I say to Liam before quickly heading down the street. I see a McDonalds that I hadn't noticed before and got the coffees there. 

(The song is Dark Side by Zara Larsson please look her up she's so good. The songs to the side.)

"Give it up for Straight Up."

I'm a villain and a beast
A monster underneath your sheets
Cause I'm not exactly who you think I am
I'm a giant and a ghost
I disappear before you know
But tonight I'm gonna hold you in my hands
I don't want you scared at all analyzing when we talk
So my lips have sealed the way I feel inside

Cause what's done is done
Isn't done yet
Nothing's imminent
But I think about it every minute
Of everyday
Of everyday
Enough is enough
But I'm not giving in, yeah
Even if it
Since I'm over the edge
Cause everbody has, a darkside
And I'm across never meant to be the bad guy
But now I'm lost
Now, I don't wanna waste your time
Or piss you off
Cause everbody has a dark side

I'm the devil and I'm cursed
It feels like every moment's worse
I would sell my soul
To make this go away
There's a good to every bad
Here's the thing now, understand
I believe that we can make a change

What's done is done
Isn't done yet
Nothing's imminent
But I think about it every minute
Of everyday
Of everyday
Enough is enough
No I'm not giving in, yeah
Even if it
Since I'm over the edge
Cause everybody has a darkside
And I'm across, never meant to be the bad guy
But now I'm lost
Now, I don't wanna waste your time
Or piss you off
Cause everbody has a dark side

Before we need a second chance
There's the one we have
But I know that you and I
Are pulling away
Everybody has a dark side
Everybody has a dark side
Ooooh I don't wanna end this on a low
I only wanna fix it cause it's broke
I don't wanna take one for the road
Cause we'll make us whole
Everybody has a darkside
And I'm across never ment to be the bad guy
But now I'm lost
I don't wanna waste your time
Or piss you off
Cause everbody has a dark side

Before we need a second chance
There's the one we have
But I know that you and I
Are pulling away

Everybody has a darkside
Everybody has a darkside

I hope you all enjoyed. Remember it's so short because it's part 2. ATLEAST 10 comments to continue:)

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