Chapter 10

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Straight Up band members:

Jayla Cowell

Skylar Larson

Ashton Wilkerson

Jude Barlow

"Boys, Jayla I'm so happy that you've gotten this far you are even popular in the states, which has never happened especially when your still on the X-Factor." Dad tells us. "Even One Direction didn't have this much success at this point. only further into their careers.

"Its because we have that extra charm." Ashton says winking at me I just role my eyes and elbow him in the gut. He just laughs.

"All of the groups are being visited by a popular band." Dad says chuckling at Ashton.

"Who are we getting?" Skylar asks.

"One Direction." Dad says. "You guys get the best band because you are currently the top group this season."

I almost burst out laughing since dad had no idea that we've meet the boys of One Direction before.

"Aren't you guys excited?" Dad asks confused.

"Of course we're just a little shocked." Jude lies quickly.

"Well OK then."


All the groups are brought together and we all sit on the front row. The X factor stage looked a little boring with all the lights on.

Dad comes out in stage with a microphone. As if we couldn't hear him.

"Hello, ladies and gentleman. Each of you are going to get a popular group. The groups may not all sing but they all have extraordinary talents. Each group gets one band to council with and ask for advise.

"Now when each band comes out please don't freak out. Only the group that has the band here contact with them. Sorry no hugging or even talking to them face to face. There are five groups here so five band have been chosen."

"When each band comes out we will introduce each member of the band and then they will step aside, still on stage until we introduce each band. Then you will each given a location so that you could perform for them and just hangout."

All of the group's were freaking out all except our group. Since my dads a turd and already told us our band.

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