Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jayla's POV

I push him away instinctively. "Harry what the hell?" I gasp out.

"I-I couldn't help it." He stutters out.

"Harry you know I'm with Niall." I say.

"I'm sorry. I've just liked you for such a long time." Harry says trying to kiss me again.

"This cannot happen." I say quickly before hurrying off to the room the boys are in.

Before I enter I put my finger tips to my swollen lips. If it's so wrong why did if feel so right? I brush off the feeling and enter the room.

"Jay what took you so long?" Ashton asks. I open my mouth to answer but shut it, not sure what to really say.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah just fine." I say trying to sound calm.

"You dont seem fine, you look a little pale.." Jude says.

"I just feel the pressure of it all. It's normal I'm sure." I say.

"Okay lets get back to work. Do we want to do any acapella songs?" Ashton asks.

"We should to atleast one. How many songs do we have on out set list total?" I ask.

"Ten total. So one acapella, the rest normal?"

"We could do a song where we all sing around the mic with no music." I suggest.

"Yeah that'll be cool." Jude says quickly writing something down on the set list

"So do we have any songs that are for sure or do we just have a bunch on maybes?" I ask.

"We have only maybes." He responds.
"How many maybe do we have?" I ask.

"About thirty." Ashton says.

"Well Okay. Are all genre mostly Pop and rock?" I ask.

"Yeah only a few are different genres."

"What type of genres?"

"Well we have a few country."

"Wait. No country." I say.

"Why?" Ashton complains.

"All of those One Direction fans are going to expect Pop/Rock insolence." I say.

"But I feel like they could use a change. It'll only be on or two songs." Ashton says.

"No they hired us because we do Rock and Pop songs. Not country." I say. 

"Jayla, they'll let do two country songs." Ash insists.

"No Ashton no country we need to stick to the the genre we know." I say.

"Jayla whats crawled up you a** today?"

"Nothing I'm trying to help us. We don't sing country you might but we don't." I say presistantly.

"What the heck do you have against country?"

"Nothing. I have nothing against it. I'm trying to tell you that we should stick to stuff we know." I say.

"Well maybe we shouldn't maybe we should stretch farther, reach for variety." Ashton says.

"No we're to early in all of our careers to try and do that." I insist.

"Jay's right." Jude tells Ashton.

"No I'm right." Ashton says loudly. Just as the door opens.

Skylar pops his head in, "Is everything alright in here?" He asks.

"Jay and Ashton are having an argument." Jude says calmly.

"Oh... what about?" Skylar asks.

"Ashton wants to have country songs on our setlist. Jay thinks it's too risky and that the people coming to the concerts and pop/rock fans not country. That's true though but what if we turn a country song to sound more like a pop/rock song. That could be a good idea actually." Ashton says, all the boys turn to me.

"Some people would really like it." I confess. "But its a maybe we need to find good music for it and a good song."

"Do you guys have any more ideas?"

"What about dancing are we going to do any of that?"

"We can dance for certain songs for it to be extra entertaining." Ashton says.

"Yeah and we dance sometimes in X-Factor and it got the audience much more hyped up."

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