twenty seven

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"But what would Willie need from me?" Alex slouches down defeated.

"I think you have to convince him to cross over." I admit. I turned my body to face Alex on the backseat and saw his shocked face.

"That's not gonna happen... he loves it here!" He shook his head completely against the idea.

"C'mon it makes sense! Why would Lorelei be able to see him otherwise?" Julie tries to persuade him.

"Why don't you see him?" Alex contradicts.

"Well I have a blood connection to Reggie so maybe it just means that I'm in a way more connected to you guys." I theorize. "I was able to touch you guys since day one."

"Ok... but how are we going to find him?" Alex finally agrees.

"I don't know. You're the one who has been meeting up with him." Luke points out.

"I... I kinda haven't seen him since he told us about Caleb." Alex admits shyly.

"Why?" Julie looks at him confused.

"Well I was a bit hurt with him." Alex replies softly.

"It's ok, Alex." I smile through the rear view mirror. "How did you find him the other times?"

"It was weird. Almost like he was calling for me, I could feel his energy." He explains.

"Well, close your eyes and focus on that energy. Try to feel Willie." I suggest.

Alex breathes out slowly and closes his eyes. He leans his head against the car seat and presses his eyes shut harder as if focusing on the task.
I start pulling out of the parking spot and drive around without a destination. Car rides always made me calmer and more focused ever since I was little, I always lost track of time and it made me fall asleep easily, even in the nights where I got nightmares or was too anxious to fall asleep in my bed.

"The park." Alex whispers and suddenly opens his eyes. "He is at the park that you first met him at." He affirms looking at Luke.

Once again total silence took over us, the only sound inside the car being the soft music, that played extremely low, and the gps that was guiding me through the busy streets of Los Angeles. It was as if whenever the goodbyes were needed, we didn't know what to say and this heavy silence replaced the usual chatting and laughter I was used to hear between us. Maybe it was because we didn't have time to say goodbye to Reggie and that's weighting down on all of us. If Reggie didn't have a proper farewell than the others shouldn't have one as well. But it hurt because with Reggie we weren't constantly worried about our last seconds with him. It was different now because we know that being separated was inevitable. When Reggie was here we still hoped that the boys had fully come back to life and we could live happily ever after but this was no fairytale. No. This was reality and we had to face the indisputable truth that the boys are going to cross over.

"You've arrived to your destination." The robotic voice of my mom's car was heard.

I sigh and look for a parking spot in the super crowded parking lot.
We all exited the vehicle still in an immense silent, the anticipation of what was about to happen weighting down on all of us.
I felt Luke catching up to me and walking by my side while we all followed Alex as he searched for Willie. His hand grabbed mine and I intertwined our fingers. I looked up to him and gave him tight lip smile, too anxious for anything else.
Then an haunting thought crossed my mind. Luke was next. After we were done saying our goodbyes to Alex, I was going to have to say goodbye to Luke too. My heart clenched in my chest. I don't want to lose him. I really don't want to lose him.

"Hey." Alex greeted Willie with his voice barely above a whisper.

"We should give them some alone time." Luke whispers in my ear.

I nod agreeing with him and tug Julie along with us. We walk a few meter away from them and find a small bench. Julie seats down and Luke follows her actions, patting his legs to instruct me to seat on his lap.
I blush furiously but still obey him. I lightly let my weight on him but try to support most of my weight in my legs not wanting to crush him.
I look over to Willie and Alex and see that they were gesticulating aggressively. They were definitely arguing.
I yelp when Luke suddenly pushes me down, pressing me more against his chest.

"I'm going to go get uh... a.. ice cream." Julie stutters standing up and leaving us alone.

"Lei.." Luke grabs my face and turns me towards him. "I'm going to miss you so much." He whispers and rests his forehead against mine.

"I don't want to think about it yet." My lips tremble with anxiety.

"But it's now or never. I'm probably going to cross over in a few hours." He replies.

I close my eyes appreciating our closeness. His breath was tickling the bridge of my nose and the hand that was holding me in place in his lap was caressing my hip.

"I know. I'm sorry." I apologize opening my eyes and looking deeply into his.

He kisses me fiercely grabbing both of my cheeks with one of his hands. His other hand travels up my shirt and caresses my lower back, his cold hands sending chills up my warm spine.
We separate our lips desperate to breath but soon after his lips glue to my neck kissing it and giving it little bites.

"Luke we are in public." I slightly push away from him.

"I don't care." He replies bluntly kissing the skin behind my ear.

"I do!" I giggle when his messy hair tickles my neck. "You might not care what people think about you but I still do." I chuckle when he grabs my waist and starts tickling me.

"God I'm going to miss your laugh." He sighs stopping what he was doing.

"Luke." I plead looking at him.

I look towards Willie and Alex and see that they were hugging each other and then, like in a fairytale, Willie tilts Alex's chin up and presses his lips against his. I gasp happy for my friends and grab Luke's face so that he was also seeing the cute scene.

"They look so cute." Julie squeals seating back in her place with a Strawberry ice cream in her hand.

"We should probably go to a more secluded place so that they can do the whole going to heaven thing." I acknowledge and stand up to get both of the boys.

We all stood looking sadly at each other in a hidden alley. I held both Luke and Julie's hands while Willie had his arm wrapped around Alex's shoulders.
I was not ready to say goodbye.
A single tear slides down my face and Alex notices engulfing me in a tight hug.

"I will never forget you." He whispers in my ear.

Soon after, the others joined the hug while silent tears slid down all of our faces.

"I love you guys." Alex speaks up.

We didn't even have time to return because in a millisecond, just like it happened with Reggie, Willie and Alex disappeared into thin air and the three of us that were left stumbled slightly with the sudden change.

"I love you too." I whisper more to myself hoping that, wherever he is, Alex could still hear me.


AN I almost forgot to put a note in this chapter ups
Well, just one more chapter and then the epilogue.
It's been amazing writing this story and seeing all you guys commenting and giving it so much love
Remember I love you guys and I'm always here if you need anything <3

𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐄; Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now