Meeting Sirius

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I ran through they alley in my kitty form. my soft white paws pranced daintily beneath my feet. It was around noon and the sun was high in the skies. There were many witches and wizards about as I made my way into the many shops of diagon alley. No one took notice to the small feline running around in their maze of feet, and for that I was grateful. I honestly had no destination in mind. I was just looking for a relaxing place without my family all around.  I wandered in to the joke shop, I know looking for peace and I go to a joke shop. Well everyone has their addictions, and mine was pranking. Though I haven't ever had the pleasure of pranking somebody, I had planned quite a few. I saw a shadowy shelf near the corner of the store and immediately made a beeline for it. It was fairly close and once i was perched up on it I calmly began to lick my paws while looking around. To anyone else I looked like a normal kitty. I surveyed my surroundings and four boys stood out to me. One was short and fat my gase didn't linger on him. Another was about average height and had sandy blonde hair with slight scars on his face. The tallest of the four had untidy dark hair and glasses. He was talking to the last of the boys. The last boys was extremely good-looking. Not to say the others weren't, but.... The boy had curly dark locks and grey eyes. He was tall but short than the kid with glasses. All four boys looked around my age and they were currently looking at some sort of pranking kit. The short boy that kind of looked like a rat turned when a woman shouted, "Peter it is time to go!" from the other side of the shop. He quickly said goodbye to his friends and then there were three. At this point in time I stopped watching them and decided to watch the other customers in the store. The joke shop was not very busy today, but that might just be because it is lunch time. I was slightly startled when the shelf shifted slightly as the good-looking boy from earlier was sitting next to me.  I looked up at him and cocked my head slightly. He sighed. "I know you probably weren't watching, but all my friends left, and I'm talking to a cat." I scooted towards him slightly to acknowledge him. "My family doesn't love me like theirs love them and they can't help that they had to go but now I am kinda sad cause i am all alone," he reached out a hand and started to slightly pet me. I knew the look in his eyes when I first caught sight of him. He is like me. He is one of the forgotten children. "I think I am going to go get some food now. Do you wanna come with me?" I found it amusing and slightly sad that he spoke to me like I would reply. I stood up ,and followed him out of the crowded store. We walked through the streets to a tiny little hole in the wall restaurant. The boy sat on one of the chairs and I jumped up onto the table looking at him. He looked at the menu for a bit and by the time the waitress had arrived he knew his order, chicken and two cups of water. After our order was placed we just stared at each other oddly. He leaned forward towards my ear and I was shocked to her him ask,"Are you an animagi little one?" My wide eyed expression must have been enough for him to know that I was. "We will talk after we eat. Do you want anything?" I shook my head slightly and settled back down into a comfortable silence. Little time had passed before our  food arrived.  He quickly ate and paid then beckoned me to follow him out of the little restaurant. I did as he wanted and trailed after him until we arrived to an alley. "Do you think you could change to your human form?" he asked. I hesitated slightly but nevertheless did as he asked. I closed my eyes and focused on turning back into myself. I thought about my pale skin and my dark curling hair that reached to my waist. I envisioned my dark green eyes and my slightly crooked nose. When I opened my eyes I was still shorter than the boy, but my height had increased. "What is your name?" he asked quietly studying me. "Aurora, Yours?" me voice cracked slightly for it had been days since I last spoke. "Sirius.... Do you've anywhere to go?" I shook my head slightly. I knew that even if i did go home my parents would never except me back into the house. Not after what I did. "Why don't you stay with me as my cat? My mother hardly notices anything I do, so she wouldn't say anything." I looked at him strangely. "You just met me. Yet you are letting me stay in your house. Why?" He looked at me as if it was obvious. "You need somewhere to stay. Why wouldn't I?" I really didn't know how to respond so i didn't say anything. "I need to grab a few things." I said before turning and running to a few alleys over. I could hear him dash after me and I laughed slightly. I quickly reached my destination and I grabbed my small purple bag. It had an undetectable extension charm on it, and housed all of my clothing and books inside it. Sirius reached me shortly after I had gathered up my belongings. "I will carry your stuff and you can ride in my shoulder," he said looking to me expectantly. I nodded and quickly shifted to my cat form and expertly jumping atop his shoulder. He laughed slightly at my skill and entered a shop that had a fireplace. I knew we were traveling by floo powder and my thoughts were only confirmed when he grabbed a handful of powder and promptly yelled 12 grimauld place. When we emerged from the fireplace we were in a dark yet sophisticated home. I immediately knew that this was the home of pure-blooded wizards. I wonder how his mother would react if she knew they were housing a muggleborn. Sirius didn't bother to greet his family and they didn't bother to acknowledge them. Instead he lead me up the stairs to a bring red and gold room. I jumped down and shifted quickly so we could talk. "I take it you're in Gryffindor?'' I stated looking at the bright colors. I knew that if I was a student at Hogwarts I would without a doubt be Gryffindor. "How could you tell?" he asked sarcastically. "I start school tomorrow actually. September 1. I was figuring you could come with me.'' I looked at him wide-eyed. "ME AT HOGWARTS?!?" I nearly screamed. "SHHH!" he said quickly nodding his head. "Obviously you couldn't be a student but I could pass you off as my cat." he said smiling slightly. "I would love that," I said quieter this time.  

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