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I unpacked quickly since I didn't really have much to unpack. James's parents were too generous and had purchased almost an entire new wardrobe for me and no doubt my sister. I could tell that Sirius had definitely told her what my style was, because it all seemed to be my taste. I wandered around my room for a small while before another knock came. "Aurora sweetie, may I come in?" the voice of Mrs.Potter rang through my door. I quickly let her in thanking her immediately, "Mrs. Potter this is more than I could have imagined!" She chuckled, "1. please call me Dorthea or mom, 2. i love to do it for you and you are very welcome." I smiled at the older woman. "I came up here to inform you that dinner will be in an hour and one of my boys will guide you to the dining room, I also wanted to talk to you about an event that happens every year here at the Potter household. It is called the Potter Christmas Party, and it is always the talk of the wizarding community for awhile." I looked at her shocked. I had no clue that the Potter's hosted a Christmas event. "You and Lily of course are going to be there and tomorrow we will be buying your dresses. I hope you don't mind going with Sirius?" She had a knowing twinkle in her eye. I blushed slightly," I would love to come!" "I wanted to let you know, since it appears you will be staying here for awhile, that you don't need to be shy to ask me anything," she said seriously. I nodded and promised that I would. "See you at dinner." She walked out of my room. Since I had a little time I decided to explore the common room so I did as Sirius instructed and entered the small blue door. The room I entered was small and cozy. On one side of the room there were two love seats and a sofa in front of a fire, and on the other was a kitchen. I loved the kitchen, it was like my dream kitchen. There was a bunch of counter top space including a giant island. The refrigerator could probably fit two bodies in it and there was a beautiful stove. "I told James that you would love it," the voice of my sisters spoke startling me. I jumped slightly and ended up falling to the floor in shock. "Oh Lily it is only you!" I cried with laughter struggling to get up. I was once again startled when a strong pair of arms lifted me from the floor causing me to jump. Lily was dying. "Its only me!" Sirius laughed sticking his head around so that I could see him. I blushed bright red in embarrassment as he carried me over to the couch and dropped me off on to it. "I came to get you for dinner and when you weren't in your room I figured you were here," he explained as we all walked into my room. I was surprised to see James on my bed, but nobody cared to comment. "Good you found them, Let's Go!" he said before leading us out of the room. He lead us down the hallway and downstairs to the right. We immediately entered a beautiful dinning room.

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