First Day on the Job

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I followed Dumbles up the stairs into his office. "You will mostly be running errands for me throughout the day. There will be a break for lunch, and you should have the weekends off." The old man took a seat behind the desk. I nodded and sat down in the chair across from him. I sat quietly and watched as he pulled out a clipboard and a quill. "Will you run a quick evaluation of all the classrooms? It is easy just do what the paper tells you, to be honest I find it a waste of time, but the ministry requires it." He handed me the board and I nodded, "I would love too!" I honestly was just happy to have something to do. I skipped down the steps and made my way to the dungeons where to potions classes take place. I looked at the clipboard as I walked. There was a checklist and two lists of questions to ask both the students and professor Slughorn. I only had to sit through one class to be sure that there was no dark magic and then I was to report to the next classroom. I should be able to get every teacher done by the end of the week if I am lucky. I approached the heavy stone doors and knocked politely for he had a class. " I have been asked by the Headmaster to do the classroom evaluations if you don't mind. " I said once he had opened the door. I didn't know if he would recognize me, but I hadn't really changed much. It was early when I showed up for breakfast this morning so little of the school were actually aware of my presence amongst them. He recognized me, "Aurora is that you? My it has been awhile come on in. He opened the door wider and made way. "Class this is Aurora she will be listening in on us today!" he announced to some students that I was glad to see. I had decided to watch the 5th year potions class that was made up of Gryffindors and Slytherins. Lily, her friend Severus Snape, and all four of the Marauders were in the class. I stood in the back and listened as the Professor finished giving instructions on how to make a sleeping drought. Once he had released the students to work on their concoction I approached him to ask a question. "How long have you been teaching potions Professor?" I asked politely trying not to make him nervous. "1o years," he replied without missing a beat. I nodded and recorded it on the paper. I wandered over to the stores and looked through them briefly before making my way over to my red-headed sister. "So Lils sleeping drought that's easy," I said standing over her and her greasy haired friend. "Sure is and Aurora this is Severus, Severus Aurora," she said without looking up. "Has Professor Slughorn ever done anything that is in any way connected with dark magic?" Severus looked at me weird. "Its required I ask," I stated answering his unasked question. They both shook their heads answering the obvious no. "Well I will see you at lunch have a good day!" I exclaimed patting my sister's hair and walking over to another cauldron of people I knew. "Aurora hows working for Dumbles?" Sirius asked me when he saw me standing over him. I shrugged my shoulders. "Its pretty boring cause I have to spend a whole hour with you!" I said letting sarcasm drip into my voice. "Haha. You know you love us!" James replied smiling at Sirius. I shook my head and walked back to the back of the room where I remained until the end of class. "Well it was nice to see you again Professor Slughorn thank you for allowing me to watch your class. Would you like me to tell Dumbledore anything from you?" I asked feeling weird for having intruded in his classroom. "It was no trouble at all! Actually I was about to go and turn in my nominations for Head Boy and Girl. You do know they are nominated in 6th year? My two just left the room, Lillian Evans the cleverest witch I have ever met ,next too you of course, and James Potter, quite the mischievous one. Say are you and Miss Evans related your eyes are identical!" I laughed lightly at his rambling, "I would be glad to turn in your nominations, and yes Lily is my little sister." The Professor blushed lightly at my words, and I took that as my cue to bid him goodbye. I carried myself and the small envelope containing his nominations to the headmaster. I found old Albus sitting at his desk talking to his majestic Phoenix, Fawkes. "These are Professor Slughorn's nominations for Head Boy and Girl." I said placing the clipboard and the nominations in front of the old man. He smiled up at me," Why thank you! I'm sorry to tell you, but I had to register your animagi form..... A certain Transfiguration Professor has requested that you help her with that particular lesson, but you can't help much if you aren't legal." I was kind of sad that I was no longer unregistered, and to be honest it didn't surprise me that Dumbledore knew about my kitty self. On the bright side, I GET TO HELP MINNIE TEACH DA KIDDIES!!!

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