Break Arrangements

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Time skip~ a week before Christmas break... I'm sorry but time skips are going to become a way more frequent thing:(
I awakened to Sirius shaking me lightly. "Dumbledore has asked to see you and Lily in his office," he informed me, I gave him a questioning look. "I don't know why,but he does," Sirius said pointing at James. I immediately moved my curious gaze to James. "Hey I am not allowed to tell," he defended himself. I shook my head and changed into~ that is Aurora's handwriting) . I then walked into the common room where lily was waiting wearing~ that is lily's handwriting) . She wore her Auburn hair in a tight bun at the top of her head though a few strands had managed to break free. Her outfit was more fit for spring, but I didn't comment. "Lets go see what Dumbledore wants," Lily suggested leading us from the common room. I really hated it when she wore heels which was actually quite often. It was irritating because she was already taller than me. With heels on she had a good head on me. "I hate being short!" I grumbled as we walked to the headmaster's office. Lils laughed, "Maybe you shouldn't have made fun of me for being shorter than you when we were kids!" I growled slightly. She had won. This caused her to laugh even more. Thankfully dumbles didn't question us when we finally got to his office. "Hello girls. You two look nice today," Albus greeted a smile on his face. "Why thank you dumbles!" I said genuinely. "Thank you Sir," Lily said way more politely. Nevertheless the old man smiled at both of us. "I have made arrangements for your housing during winter break. Though you could stay at Hogwarts I feel that you would enjoy it better where I am sending you. Of course your parents both agree." "Where will we be staying?" Lily actually interrupted a teacher. "Oh yes," Dumbledore wasn't bothered by it at all," You will be staying with Mr. and Mrs. Potter. I have been informed that Mr. Black will be there too." I looked over at Lily who actually looked excited. "Thank you dumbles you do so much for us." I really was grateful for the old man. Without him my sister and family would be dead. And me? I would probably be living in a box on Knock turn Alley.

~Short chapter I know I will update after dinner... I have been putting together their outfits more.... I feel like I can better express their personalities idk y........ I'm might have like a really big time skip coming up....... btw in case you didn't know there will be a sequel during the time period of Harry's life at Hogwarts..... I don't know if I had told y'all..... If you see some phrases that you know wouldn't be used in Europe or are like inaccurate please tell me cause I am from the Southern U.S. and its like different than how I am used to speaking and writing............ Gosh if you are reading this I am soo happy that you read my story and care to read my author's notes y'all really mean a lot to me.

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