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"If you could be in your animagi form when the students enter," Professor Mcgonagall instructed me. Animagi had just been added to the 6th year and under curriculum. Next year it would be only third years learning it and that would continue. This year though every year third and above had to be taught. No they would not become Animagi, well except for a few select students who will be offered the option. They did however have to learn about them. I did as she asked and soon a pure white cat sat in my place. "They will start arriving in 5 minutes until then do whatever," She said, " You will know when you can shift into your human form." I nodded and climbed on her desk giving her a cat smirk. She shook her head laughing slightly," Of course you would choose there to sit!" I winked and curled up into a ball. She just shook her head and started to write something down on parchment. "I think I am only going to give them a short essay on Animagi, and I will select one male and one female student from each year to be given the opportunity to become an animagi, Does that sound ok?" I nodded purring quietly. We fell into a comfortable silence until the students started arriving. It was no surprise to me when Lily arrived first. She had made it no secret that she enjoyed this class the most out of her classes. It was probably do to the fact that it was taught by Minnie. "Hello Aurora, Professor Mcgonagall," Lily greeted politely. I mewed in reply while Professor Mcgonagall gave a quiet, "Hello Ms. Evans." Lily sat down in the front row, though this was expected, and I decided to be annoying by climbing on top of her desk. She looked at me. "You cat to be kidding me right meow," James said laughing at Lily's irritated look. His brilliant use of puns caused Minnie and I to snort with laughter. Our combined laughter caused the rest of the Marauders to burst out laughing along with Lily. "Oh that was awful," Sirius commented finally before picking me up and carrying me to his seat. I squirmed slightly afraid that he would drop me. "Mr. Black if you would please release Ms. Evans," Minnie intervened. Sirius obliged and set me on his desk where I curled up into a ball. I sat quietly as the other students poured into the room occasionally walking around the room. I laughed in my soul at the irritated looks on students faces. "Aurora! Please stop annoying the students," Minnie scolded. The other students looked confused but didn't comment. "Class if you would settle. Today we are going to be studying Animagi." She walked up to the board and I hoped on her desk. Professor Mcgonagall spoke a little about the difficulty of this magic, and the registration process. "You will each need to write an essay on the process to becoming an Animagi. If you are interested in becoming one I will be choosing two sixth years , a boy and a girl, to guide through the process. A contest shall happen and if you would like to enter please write an essay explaining why you feel you should become an Animagi. Essays are due Friday. Aurora if you would hand out these booklets about Animagi." I smiled this was when she wanted me to become human. I mewed and shifted into my usual 5'0 self. My hair was slightly messed up from all the petting but I didn't mind. I grabbed the papers from Minnie and began to pass them around to the students. Whispers were rushing through the group of Gryffindors and Slytherins. I smiled nevertheless and continued to pass out the papers. "Thank you Aurora for your help," Minnie said genuinely. "Anytime," I replied smiling. 

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