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Dinner was quick and soon we were once again gathered in the common room bored. "You two do know that the party is tomorrow right?" James asked looking back and forth from Lily and I. I didn't really mind, but Lily was immediately worrying. I had been taught etiquette but Lily had never had formal lessons. I knew she would do fine though. "Lily don't worry you will be fine!" Sirius assured her plopping on the couch right next to me. James eyed us and winked REALLY creepily. Lily noticed this and sent me a questioning look. I gave her a tell you later look. the four of us didn't really stay up much longer, considering we had to wake up early tomorrow. I had no trouble falling asleep, and I didn't wake up until the next morning. I trudged downstairs trying to remember my dream. The boy I had painted was in it and he was down at Hagrid's hut with a girl that had bushy brow hair and a boy that had fiery red hair. They were talking quietly when a soft knock at the door alerted them to another's presence. I had been surprised when an older version of myself walked into the small house. I started to wake after that so I don't remember much more, but something about the seen seemed real. That was crazy though it couldn't be. I shook my head to clear away the thoughts and made my way to the dining room. This morning we were having cinnamon rolls and there wasn't much chatter. We were all eating. After devouring our breakfast Lily and I took the example and remained seated at the table. "You guys can either help out or stay upstairs until 2. I honestly don't mind if you stay upstairs. Your outfits are in the closet. James and Sirius please be sure to comb your hair." Mr. Potter laughed at that," Doretha you know as well as I do there is no taming the beast!" I giggled slightly at this and Sirius winked at me dramatically. Mrs. Potter just shook her head with a smile then shooed us upstairs. I decided to stay in my pajamas until it was time to change so I made my way into the common room. "Who's hungry?" I asked the three occupants upon my entrance. James and Sirus immediately burst into laughter while Lily looked stunned. "You do realize we just ate breakfast right?" Lily asked slowly as if talking to a child. "Oh..... that's right." I sat down on the couch and no sooner did two I am hungry's come from the boys. Lily shook her head and I broke into laughter rising and heading towards the kitchen. "Cookies?" I suggested receiving three nods in reply. I quickly set out the ingredients, and started to mix the batter. I was startled when two hands rested on my waist, and I turned to find my self face to face with a pair of legit puppy dog eyes.

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