Describing Tom

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Since I was helping Professor Mcgonagall teach I was let off on my job of evaluating, and since I was done evaluating I got to chill with Dumbles. "Aurora, Would you mind telling me more about Mr. Tom?" Dumbledore asked randomly. I gave him a weird look but since I feel obligated to do as he asks I told him, "Mr. Tom, appearance-wise, is tall and he has dark hair with fair skin. He was a cruel man that didn't seem to have been taught right from wrong, and he was a Parseltongue." I told him all I knew. He nodded, "I believe I once taught young Tom. He was just as you describe, and I fear he will stop at nothing for power. Though you did not mean to the sickness you gave his wife killed her, and he believes it is your fault. He is searching for you, to kill you." I looked at Dumbledore terrified. I knew Mr. Tom well and the one thing I had learned was, "What Tom wants, Tom gets." "You will be alright. I have worked out a place for you to stay during the holidays where you and your sister will get the maximum security, and we have people watching over your parents," Dumbles said knowing just what my worry was. "Where is this place?" I asked extremely curious. "Spoilers!" he said with a wink as he was quoting my favorite muggle television character and he knew it. I huffed slightly and said down in my chair. "It is nearly lunch time! What do you say I let you have the afternoon off? They are holding quidditch tryouts last night, and I don't think they would mind another chaser..." he said with a wink. "I can play?!?" I asked very excited. He gave one nod and beckoned towards the door,"Lets go." I nodded and led the way to the great hall. "Hey Dumbles, I hope you don't mind I'm gonna sit with the marauders," I said walking off to my four friends. "

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