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By the time Remus's inner wolf had decided to let the sane part of him be seen again, James had received three scratches, Sirius had received a broken leg, and Peter and I had somehow escaped injury. Since I had the most experience with magic I was nominated to do the healing. We slowly and painfully made our way back to our dorm under James's cloak. As soon as we had arrived I rushed to grab my wand. "Episkey!" I whispered clearly pointing at Siri's leg. (THINK THAT'S THE RIGHT SPELL) I muttered another spell that bandaged both James and Remus. "You don't hate me do you?" Remus asked slightly worried. I shook my head and looked at him confused, "Why would I hate you? You can't help this." A big sigh came from the boy ,and the rest of the Marauders looked at me with relieved faces. "I am so glad you didn't get hurt!" Sirius exclaimed hugging me tightly. He blushed lightly when he realized what he had done. James gave him a knowing look while I was a little confused, but I was blushing too. I had never, ever blushed before. That fact in itself caused me to blush more. "I am glad too," I spoke finally breaking the awkward silence that had fallen. Suddenly I perked up remembering the news I forgot to tell them yesterday, "Hey guys guess what!" I exclaimed heading over to sit on my bed. "What? Are you going to tell us a story mother?" James said sitting down on the floor in front of me pretending to be a small child. Sirius quickly joined him. I nodded laughing. "I am the new co-teacher in Transfiguration, Guess what I'll be teaching!" Siri and James both wore thoughtful looks on their face as the guessed what I could be teaching. Eventually they both gave up and shook their heads. "Animagi," I said laughing at the slight irony that they would be learning animagi. James immediately busted out laughing while Sirius just looked extremely excited. "I can't wait!" He said looking up at me. James nodded his head in agreement. "So the Marauders have got to pull a prank even better than the prank at the beginning of the year," he said smiling at us as he pulled out a worn purple book. All of us knew well enough that this book head all the plans for the marvelous pranks they have pulled off. "Wait James, We have something to do first!" Sirius said seriously........ hehe. James looked at him for a moment before nodding. "Remus would you do the honors?" James asked pulling out a fancy black leather book and a blank piece of parchment from his bag. Remus looked excited as he nodded and grabbed both items from James. "Do you Sirius Orion Black Padfoot agree to allow Aurora Elise Evans to become a Marauder? Allowing her to have full input in every prank pulled, and earn her a creative nickname." He asked looking at Siri. I was shocked to say the least. They wanted me to become a Marauder? Siri nodded, "I do!" Remmy then turned to James, "Do you James Charlus Potter Prongs agree to allow Aurora Elise Evans to become a Marauder? Yada Yada Yada." James to nodded and said, "I do," a little less enthusiastically. Remus finally turned to Peter, "Do you Peter random middle name Pettigrew agree to allow Aurora Elise Evans to become a Marauder?" Peter nodded without replying and turned to me, "Though I doubt you would decline, Do you Aurora Elise Evans agree to become a Marauder thus excepting the responsibilities that come with?" "I would love to!" I replied very excited. "Then with the power vested in me, Remus J. Lupin Moony, I pronounce you Aurora Elise Evans Furball a Marauder." As soon as he had finished he pulled out his wand and pointed it at the parchment. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!" he said causing me to giggled slightly. I was surprised when writing appeared "Moony, Wormtail, Prongs, Padfoot, and Furball are proud to present the Marauders Map"
I was in awe, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. "Since you are brand new you get to plan your first prank as a Marauder!" James said smirking. "What were your pranks?" I asked looking around at the four boys in front of me. "I turned the Slytherin owls red!" "I pulled down a first year's pants..." "I blew up a toilet." "I charmed all of the house tables to levitate when ever somebody sat down!" They said in the order of Remus, Peter, James, and Sirius.

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