Happy Birthday to me

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~~Time skip two weeks Date: September 16~~
I woke up the same way I always seemed to these days. Two people by the names of James Potter and Sirius Black jumping on my bed. Today I said nothing to them as I hopped out of bed and made my way to the purple bag that held my life. I was startled slightly as I passed the calendar and realized that today about 17 years ago I Aurora Elise Evans was born. This also meant I was of age. The past few years have made my birthday no different than any other day, so I saw no reason to celebrate. I knew that if the Marauders knew what today was they would throw a big party, so anyone can understand why I didn't tell them. I followed the Marauders down to the common room trying to forget what today was but when we saw Lily it was kind of difficult. She was sitting in the corner of the room holding a tattered photograph. It was a muggle photograph that I recognized immediately. It was a picture of my sisters and I when I was 5 years old. Though I had matured and changed since then there was no mistaking my piercing green eyes and messy mop of dark hair. I was smiling next to my twin Petunia and little Lily and behind us you could see a blue lake. It was our first time visiting our summer home. Lily had watery eyes as she looked at the picture and I knew she was missing me. If only she knew how close I really was. "Who is the picture of?" James asked completely missing her watery eyes. I froze slightly. The Marauders though they acted idiotic were actually pretty smart. If anyone figured out who I was it would be them. I couldn't do anything about it though so I tried to act as normal as possible. "It is a picture of me and my sisters. A muggle picture." Lily handed them the picture though she was a little reluctant. "The one with green eyes is Aurora and the one with brown is Petunia. It is their birthday today. They are of age." Sirius studied the picture closely and for a moment I thought he had figured it out but he shook his head and handed the picture back. "Why aren't they at Hogwarts?" Peter asked. Oh my god wrong question even Sirius could tell. "Petunia is a muggle and Aury...." Lily trailed off and he seemed to get the message. "What are they like?" asked Remus and I thanked him for the use of present tense. "Well Petunia is a bit boring, and mean. I think she is jealous that she is the only muggle child. She always got along with Aury though. And Aury. She was the glue of our family. She could make father laugh in the most serious moments, and she never failed to bring a smile to our mother's face. There is never a day that they don't regret sending her off. There is never a moment when I don't miss her." At that moment I think I broke.

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