Your Engaged?

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Dumbledore seemd happy with our descion though he didn't voice his thoughts. "James as you know headquarters is your home, Remus, Peter if you could please ask your parents permission to stay over the summer. I will speak to them if nessacary." We each scattered off to do our own thing. Sirius and I both headed back to our dorm so I could pack some clothes. "Did you know that order headquarters was James's house?" I asked Sirus as I grabbed my toothbrush from the bathroom. Sirius shook his head,"I found out when you did." He sat down on my bed and looked up at the cieling. "I am going to miss it here at Hogwarts," I said coming to sit next to him. "Me too," he agreed placing his arms around me and burying his head in my hair. I could hear him inhale deeply and I made a face. "Smell good?" I asked him. He nodded without moving still smelling my hair. "Smells like that potion we made in class," he said randomly. I looked up slightly could he be talking about amorentia? We had never said I love you. I mean I did love him, but we still hadn't said it. "Do you remember the name?" I asked. I thought about what the potion smelled like to me and I would be lying if I said it didn't smell like him."I think it starts with an A" he said after a moments thought. I blushed slighty. "That potion smells like what you love most," I whispered barely audible. He smiled and hugged me tight. "You know I love you right?" he asked suddenly. I smiled he had finally said it. "I love you too," I replied you could hear the truthfulness. "We should get married," he said after five silent minutes. I looked at him like he was crazy. "Sirius... we have only been dating for a little over six months," I said looking up at him. "So?" he asked," I love you and I wanna spend my life with you! We don't have to get married tomorrow, how about at Christmas?" He really seemed into the idea. "Well..." I trailed off looking into his hopeful eyes. "Why not?" I replied finally. He smiled a pulled out his wand,"Accio Ring!" I looked at him oddly, but soon enough a small box flew to him from his bag. "It was given to me by my cousin Andromeda, to give to the right girl," he explained opening the box to show me the beautiful ring. ^^. "Are we crazy?" I asked him watching as he slid the ring onto my finger. He smiled,"Definetly,but that is not a bad thing." Then he kissed me. "I should probably tell my sister," I whispered pulling away. "Nah just wait until she notices the ring," he suggested leading me down the stairs with my stuff. I shook my head at his idea, but decided to go with it.  I slept the whole train ride and when I awoke I was curled up in Siri's lap on James's couch. I looked around to see many people I didn't know so I shot Sirius a questioning glance. "Order of the Phoenix," he explained. I noticed they had stopped talking and looked to find them staring and me. "Um Hi?" I spoke awkwardly my voice was tired from sleep. I looked down blushing slightly in embarassment. I was wearing a random t-shirt and a pair of Sirius's sweatpants with my ring of course ~ . "Hello Aurora," replied Dumbledore then he moved to introduce the order. "Alice, Frank, Marley , Gideon, Fabian, Kingsley, Alostar, Molly, and Arthur." "Molly?!?" I exclaimed turning to see my best friend all grown up. She was blown up like a balloon, very pregnant. I hopped out of Sirius's lap to hug her. "If Mr. and Mrs. Potter would stay?" Dumbledore asked dissmissing everyone else. I smiled and led Molly along with Alice, who she seemed to be friends with, to the common room. Soon after we were joined by Lily and Marley. The boys decided to stay downstairs while us girls took over the common room. I handed everyone a hotchocalate before sitting down inbetween Molly and Lily. Lily and Marley were deep in conversation as were Molly and Alice. I decided to tune in to find them talking about Frank and Alice's relationship. "I can practically hear wedding bells!" Molly exclaimed. I blushed slightly even though she wasn't talking about me. Alice noticied. Then her eyes zeroed in on the ring that was on my left hand which was currently holding my cup. "Oh my gosh, Have you told Lily?" she asked. "Told me what?" Lily asked having heard her name mentioned. My eyes widened. Looks like she knows now. "Your sister is engaged," Alice spoke pointing at the ring. Molly and Lily gasped in union. Lily's face became red with the Evans anger I was all too familar with, and she set her glass down before racing from the room. I immediatly ran after her without checking to see if the others were coming. I caught up to her right as she was walking up to Sirius. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked Sirius steely calm. I stood in the background shaking my head at his confused looks pleading for help. "What are you talking about Lily?" James finaly asked. "He asked my sister to marry him without telling me!" she finally yelled. Immediatly all the eyes in the room traveled from Sirius to me. Lily's yells also attracted Mr. and Mrs. Potter and Dumbledore. Lily shook for a few minutes before finally calming herself and nobody spoke through this whole ordeal. "I'm happy for you, but next time tell me," She spoke causing Sirius to laugh slightly. "Man congrats!" I heard James say as the girls, including Mrs. Potter and Dumbledore, gathered around me to look at my ring. "When is the wedding?" asked Mrs. Potter excitedly. I smiled,"December." Oh could it be any farther away.

Ok so this might have been totally unexpected but..... there are probably only going to be five or six more chapters in this book but don't worry the sequel shall be long and eventful...... until next time

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