Gryffindor's Seeker

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James and Sirius were sitting in the living room playing wizards chess when we arrived. "Mum we unpacked and cleaned our rooms as you asked," Sirius informed without breaking his eye contact. Too bad for him but the next turn James won. "Can we play Qudditch Mum? Please!" Doretha Potter laughed at her sons request, but nodded, "Don't you get yourself dirty!" I chose to follow James and Sirius to the quidditch pitch while Lily stayed inside. "I don't have a broom..." I trailed of sadly I was hoping to play. "Its ok Aury we have plenty!" Sirius assured while James nodded in agreement. They led me to an old shed that had several brooms and a beat up chest. "Here you are!" Sirius said handing me a broom while James dragged the chest to the field. "I assume you don't know how to play?" James asked. I looked at him in disbelief, "Of course I know how to play!"  "Position?" Sirius questioned. "Chaser or seeker." I really was better built for seeker, but I had only ever played chaser. "I am a Chaser and Siri there is a Beater," James informed handing Sirius a beater's bat. I beamed. I could work with James on my chasing abilities. "Did Dumbledore by chance give you permission to play quidditch?" James asked hopeful. I nodded slightly confused. "I wanna see how good of a seeker you are," James stated,"I am going to let the snitch out and we will see how long it takes for you to catch." I shifted unsure but mounted my broom anyways. James let the snitch loose and I was told to wait thirty seconds before chasing after it. Everything seemed to move in slow motion when I took off. I could see the snitch on the other side of the court hovering by the goal posts. As I neared it decided to fall downwards forcing me to fall into a dive. I swooped down turning slightly with my right hand reached out towards the glittering orb. I pulled up as soon as I caught it about two feet off the ground. I held tightly to the snitch, and flew back to a cheering James and Sirius. "That was amazing!" Sirius exclaimed spinning me in a hug. I blushed slightly as he set me down and turned towards James. "So a lot of the games have already passed, but we still have a chance at the cup. The only problem is that the Gryffindor seeker was banned from quidditch last week." I looked at him in disbelief. Was he asking me to be the new seeker? He nodded confirming my unasked question,"Only if you want to...." I nodded enthusiastically turning towards Sirius. "Siri! I am on the Quidditch team!" He smiled and lightly kissed me in congratulations. James whistled and I blushed a deep scarlet. "Boys Dinner!" Mrs. Potter yelled from the door. James turned to us,"Well come on lovebirds. Good quidditch players need to eat." I shook my head a smile on my face and we followed him back to the house.

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