The Train Ride

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James and Peter had left the compartment to wave goodbye to their families as we pulled away from the station. "So Remus wanna know something cool about our little Aurora?" Sirius asked. I looked at him confused. I thought that we were not going to tell The marauders until we had arrived at Hogwarts. "What about her?" he replied looking down at me curiously for I was curled up in his lap. "She is an illegal animagi!" He whispered in excitement," I have let her live with me because she had nowhere to stay." Remus looked down at me in amazement. "Are you really?" I nodded and mewed softly. I stretched and stood from Remus's lap to hop down on the floor. "I assume you are going to tell James?" He stated more like a question. Sirius nodded and at that moment James entered the tin room. "Tell me what?" he asked excitement seeping into his voice.  " Aurora is an animagi!" Remus answered still in awe. "That is so cool!" James exclaimed childishly coming to sit next to Remus. I hopped into his lap and looked up to him. Peter just sat in the corner doing his own thing. Before James could continue to marvel a fiery red head that I knew quite well entered the room. "Hello Lilyflower! Couldn't wait to see me?" James asked jumping up and passing me to Sirius. "I am just here to remind you of our prefect meeting," She sassed. She really looked annoyed with James Potter. I was amazed to see little Lily at Hogwarts. I didn't know she was a witch. "James is a prefect?!?" Sirius exclaimed. Remus sat over in the corner slightly red in the face... poor Remus. "It is just you and me no Aury...." he said sadly. I was startled slightly by the nickname as was Lily. "Is that your cat?" She asked shakily. I didn't like the sad look on her face. "Yep her name is Aurora," Sirius replied. I turned and jumped into Lily's arm which easily caught me. I knew she adored cats. "You betrayed me....." Sirius trailed off looking sad. Lily smirked and left the compartment bringing me along with her. As soon as we left the compartment her face fell and I wondered what she had been told when I left. "I used to have a sister name Aurora," she finally said once we had settled into an empty compartment. "She was the funniest and brightest witch I ever knew, but one day my parents got a letter offering for her to move in with a nice family to better learn magic. Our parents of course were over joyed..." she trailed off looking sad. "Aurora was rarely able to visit but she owled every other week. Then one day the owls stopped coming...... My parents were worried so they contacted the family, and the reply that we got was that my sister was......" She again trailed off and a single tear fell from her eyes. "It tore our family apart. She was the glue that held us together... My older sister Petunia rarely talks now and mother never smiles." I felt bad , but I knew if I had contacted them they would be in danger. "She was a wonderful girl and I pray that wherever she may be Aury is safe."     

Lily soon left to go to her prefect meeting and dropped me back off with Sirius. "What is wrong with lil red? She seems sad.." Sirius asked Remus and I though I couldn't reply. "Maybe something happened at home?" Remus suggested. Sirius nodded thoughtfully and we fell into a silence waiting for James to finish the meeting. When James finally did come back to the compartment he had a startled look on his face. "Jamee you look as if you have seen a ghost," Sirius stated pointing out the obvious. "I just kissed Lily," he finally said, "She didn't slap me or anything she even smiled at me." Sirius whistled an Remus looked proud. I purred slightly. Though she was my little sister I did not mind her and James. Yes, you heard right. I am Aurora Evans the older sister of Lillian Evans. Surprise I am not dead.

Just his petOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora