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I sat at the table next to Sirius and across from Lily. Mr. and Mrs. Potter both sat at the head of the table. "Winely! Claire! Please hurry to dinner!" Mrs. Potter called. Suddenly two little house elves exited the swinging doors from the kitchen. Both sat food down and then took a seat next to me and Lily. "Hello I Winely!" the smaller of the two who sat next to me introduced. "And I Claire The Potter's be nice wizards and we sure you be nice witches!" the other added. I smiled at the two," If I am ever not nice please just let me know." The whole table smiled as the little house elves nodded. Then they both leaned forward to reveal our meal, fettuccine Alfredo. Lily's eyes automatically shot to me knowing that this was my favorite dish, and I was practically bouncing up in down. Sirius and James laughed spooning out their helpings purposely making me go last. I glared at the two of them, but I did not comment. As soon as I had my food I dug in. I still somewhat used manners, but this was fettuccine Alfredo. How does one eat this slowly? I finished my serving long before anyone else and sat quietly wishing I had more. "Aurora honey, You are welcome to have some more," Mrs. Potter said with a laugh. I smiled brightly before quickly spooning out some more. "Though we are having a nice Christmas cake for dessert so I would save room," Mr. Potter added. Lily looked at me knowingly as my face fell. (AN MUGGLES AND WIZARD COOKING IS VERY SIMILAR IN MY STORY OK) "This is going to sound weird, but where did you get the cake and what color is the icing?" She asked for me as I ate my second helping a tad bit slower than before. Everyone except for me gave her a weird look, but Winley answered her, "buyed it in Diagon Alley, it be Christmas red ma'am." My face fell even more, looks like I won't be having my favorite meal of the day, dessert. Sirius noticed my facial expression and questioned, "What is wrong? Can you not have the cake?" I shook my head no,"I'm sorry, but I am allergic to red dye..." They all gave me sympathetic looks. "We have some chocolate chip cookies dear," Mrs. Potter suggested. I immediately lightened up and shook my head, "I would love some!" The rest of the dinner was uneventful and so was dessert, soon we were heading up to our rooms. "Get some sleep girls, because tomorrow we are going to look at dresses!" Mrs. Potter's voice rang through the hall. We both nodded and turned into our rooms. "Pajamas, then common room?" James suggested. We all nodded in agreement and hurried to change. When I entered the common room Lily and I were wearing  awesome pajamas . (OMG I DON'T KNOW HOW I DID THAT) Our hair matched, but you could definitely see our differences. Sirius and James giggled slightly at my choice, but I gave them a glare that quieted them. "So guys what would you like to do?" I asked them all. Sirius smiled mischievously and Lily and I knew that meant one thing. Truth or Dare.

Hi! I had some fun writing this chapter I don't know why... In case y'all were wondering I base Aurora a lot off myself. I myself have the weird red dye food allergy that sucks A LOT. I am thinking of starting a new thing called question of the chapter (QOTC), but if nobody wants to do it that's fine......i will always give my answer and you can always suggest questions

QOTC: What is your favorite color?

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