The dance

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To say the least, the cookie idea had turned into a giant food fight. After Sirius's begging for some cookie dough I got annoyed and shoved it into his face, causing him to do the same..... Then all hell broke loose. Thankfully Mrs. Potter had no clue what was going on, and I ,having no trace, was able to clean magically. The four of us did have to take a longer shower though. I now sat nervously as Lily pulled strands of my hair into a messy yet fancy up-do. I had already done her hair, so she was returning the favor. "Lily, What do you think life will be like after Hogwarts?" I asked quietly my mind thinking in every direction. She paused for a moment looking down at me,"Well I think that we will be happy it might be hard, but we will eventually be very happy." I smiled slightly and we fell back into a silence as I pondered her words. I had a bad feeling about the next year.... and my bad feelings were usually correct. I shook my head deciding it best not to dwell and stood facing my sister. She looked absolutely stunning and according to her so did I. We were wearing~ . Lily and I exited my room to find the boys waiting for us. They wore identical black suits, except for the ties that matched Lily and I's dresses. "You look beautiful," Sirius whispered linking his arm with mine. He led me down the stairs along with James and Lily to a packed entrance hall. There were wizards everywhere chatting away and drinking pinkish punch. "Oh you too look beautiful!" Mrs. Potter exclaimed rushing over to us. The talking around us quieted as people were curious as to who Lily and I were. "Thank you! You look stunning as well!" I replied while Lily nodded in agreement. "Here let me introduce you to some people!' She exclaimed pulling us away. I gave Sirius an apologetic look as my sister and I followed her across the room. Some people turned out to be most likely more than the Hogwarts staff. She introduced us to several witches and wizards such as : Bathilda Bagshot, Rita Skeeter, Dolores Umbridge, Cornilleus Fudge, Barty Crouch, Alastor Moody. Both Lily and I were pretty tired of socializing by the time that everyone knew our name, so I bid her goodbye and wandered off to find Sirius. It turned out he was the one who found me by bumping into me soon after Lily walked off. "Why don't we go outside?" He suggested. I happily obliged ready to get away from the crowd. We walked outside chatting quietly about the pranks we would pull at our return to Hogwarts. He led me to a small pavilion lit by several candles. I shivered slightly from the cool December air. He noticed and immediately shrugged his jacket off and draped it around me. I blushed scarlet, but that might have been the cold. "Do you ever wonder what life will be like after Hogwarts?" Sirius asked unknowingly repeating my earlier question to Lily. I didn't reply for a moment just thinking. "I don't know for sure, but I hope that I will be happy," I replied finally somewhat echoing my sister's answer. He nodded in agreement. "Would you like to dance?" he asked out of the blue. I nodded slightly and stood to pull out my wand since I had no trace. Once we had music playing he gently grabbed my hands and we began to sway to the slow melody. "Hey Aurora, can I ask you something?" Sirius asked. I lifted my head from where it was resting on his chest and moved my gaze to his eyes,"Well you just did, but sure." I giggled slightly as he smiled. He moved his hands to my waist and I placed my small hands on his chest. "Will you be mine?" he asked very softly to where I almost missed it. I smiled up at him,"I would love to," I replied just as soft. He beamed and kissed me softly. I smiled and moved my head back to his chest wishing we could stay dancing in the moonlight forever. 

There is some Aurora and Sirius for you. I will try to update again today.......... enjoy!
QOTC: What is your favorite animal?
AOTC: An Ostrich I don't know why I just connect with them they feel me

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