First Prank of the Year

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I awoke the next morning to two hyperactive four yearolds jumping on my bed. Wait did I say four? My bad I meant two. "Five more hours," I grumbled flipping over and pulling up the covers. "Nope sorry. We have classes and you have got a prank to pull," James said as Sirius pulled off my covers. "Did you say a prank?!?" I asked immediately awake. "Told she would get up at that," Sirius smirked elbowing Remus. "You remember the prank we planned on the train? The supplies are set up in their common room the password is snakeskin." I looked at James in disbelief. "You guys trust me?" I asked in awe. I had only known them for a day, well two for Sirius. They nodded and motioned towards the door. I quickly shifted into a pure white cat and took off towards the Slytherin common room.

*Sirius Pov
"She really is an odd little thing isn't she?" James commented watching Aurora pelt down the stairs. I nodded thoughtfully. She was a pretty awesome girl. "She should be a Marauder," I said voicing everyone's thoughts. My fellow Marauders nodded in agreement and we hopped down the stairs to the common room.

*Aurora Pov
The Marauders had woken me up pretty early so that I could do the prank. When I reached the Slytherin common room the snakes were just beginning to leave to go to breakfast. I positioned myself by the entrance and waited until a duo, a blonde haired boy and a greasy black haired boy, left the room. I quickly pelted in just before the door closed and was greeted with utter silence. All the snakes had left the nest. I searched around the room and saw a small red bag under one of the massive couches. I smiled and ran off towards it. I decided it was okay to shift and so I did. Once human I reached into my back pocket where I knew my wand would be. It was mahogany 1o inches with the core of a phoenix feather. I adored it. I opened the bag and was surprised to find muggle super glue and dye. Of course most Slytherins were full blood wizards and had no clue how this stuff worked it was genius. I started to put the glue on everything and then with a simple spell I levitated it up to the ceiling. I smiled at my handiwork. Every single detail was the same, except it was upside down. When it came to the next part of the plan I decided to alter it slightly. Instead of dying the bed sheets I decided to dye the underwear. I giggled quite innocently to myself as I magicked the undies out of drawers and into the dye. When I was finished I stuffed my wand back into my pocket, disposed of the evidence and shifted back into my cat form. It wasn't hard to leave the room because when the door sensed my presence it swung open for me as if I was a queen. I entered the Great hall and immediately spotted the Marauders sitting next to a familiar head of red hair. I pranced over and placed myself in a giggling Lily's lap. "Hello there," She said when I mewed. I gave a small and hopefully unnoticeable nod to Sirius when he gave me a questioning look. "It is done!" I heard him whisper excitedly to James. The first prank of the year had been pulled and I could not wait to see the reaction.

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