Chapter 30

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"Morning sunshine!" Victoria shouted, as she threw open the door to the medjacks room.

I mumbled in my pillow, as I rolled over, "Leave me alone." It'd been a long night of tossing and turning. And that was after I finally consoled Newt into a state of normalcy. But now all I can think about is the very demanding information Newt gave me last night. Honestly, I don't even know what information I'm thinking about, because really, he didn't tell me much. But I know one important thing: Newt hates the glade. How much? I'm not sure yet, I'm still working on it.

"I can't hear you, but I'm sure you were speaking joyous words into the world." Victoria ran over to the windows and pulled the blinds back. Light shot across the room, making me burrow deeper under the blanket, "Come on, you're going on an exciting adventure!"

"No, I'd rather not." I put a pillow over my face, only to have it ripped away by Victoria.

"Just think, today could be the best day of your life and if you stay in bed, you won't ever get to live it out! Look- the sun is shining-!"

"We don't have a sun in the glade."

"Shut up- I was talking about the metaphorical sun, obviously. Now, look, today you are gonna have some fun. There are some great people in the glade and they want to teach you some things, like how to cook, or garden for example. Doesn't that sound like fun!?"

"I hope that's sarcasm. I'm not doing anything," I muttered, finally opening my eyes.

Victoria sat at the edge of my bed. She seemed to be contemplating her words, "So do I need to ask what happened last night, or are you just gonna tell me?"

"What happened last night?"

"You and Newt." She pushed against my leg a little, "Come on."

"Nothing happened," I said, groaning, but I quickly added, "Just the usual."

"You don't talk to me, so I don't know what the usual is!" Victoria threw a pillow at me.

"It was nothing." I blushed. God, if only I hadn't blushed, I might have been able to slide by without telling her. But no, I had to blush.

"Lies! I know you're lying, Brianne," Victoria whined, "You can tell me all the details. Like- I want to know everything!"

"Nosy much?" I asked, my hate for mornings showing a little too much.

"God, no! You're turning into me. Where did that sass come from?- Okay, never mind, it doesn't matter. All that matters is our girl talk."

"Girls do this? Tell their friends everything that happens in their relationships?"

"Of course, but if you want it to be a secret then that's fine. You only have to tell me, I won't tell anyone."






"Fine?!" Victoria moved closer to me, "Ahh, I'm so excited!"

"Okay, so Newt kind of- ya know," I trailed off, not sure how to tell Victoria what had happened last night. Do I even mention the fact that Newt had a full blown panic attack? I don't think it's something he'd want me to share. So I'm going with a no on that.

But how do I put into words how I feel? How do I tell Victoria that I want to help Newt without saying what I'm helping him with? Theres no way.

"You have to finish your sentence at some point."

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