Chapter 1

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I rolled over onto my side, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. This bed wasn't really all that comfortable.

A loud noise sounded above me, snapping me out of my restful slumber.

My eyes shot open and I frantically sat up. The area was dark and it took my pupils a few seconds to adjust to the incandescent shadows of a couple emergency light bulbs. But once they adjusted, confusion swept over my features.

Where was I?

Beneath and all around me were metal walls. Inside this box like contraption, laid about 12 large cases of God only knows what. That was it, nothing else. There weren't even any windows or doors.

Why was I here? What did I do?

With that thought, the room seemed to jerk to life, as it started lifting upward. The sounds of screeching metal filled the air, piercing my ears. The room swayed back and forth beneath my body. The motion made my stomach turn.

Just don't panic. Don't panic.

Don't panic, Brianne. My name is Brianne. That was the only thought that kept resurfacing to the forefront of my mind. So I decided to roll with it.

Ok Brianne, who sent you here? Do you happen to remember anything, Brianne? Did you lose your memory, Brianne? Gosh Darnit, this is getting you know where, Brianne. Speaking of going places, do you happen to know where you are.... Brianne?

Nothing. My thoughts were blank, yet my mind was fully functioning. None of this made much sense.

I slowly rose to my feet, leaning onto the wall behind me for balance. The wall was cool, but the room was most certainly not. My hair was matted to my neck with sweat, my face dripping with perspiration. I quickly removed my jacket from my body. It had to be 100 degrees in this thing.

"Hello?" I asked to no one in particular," Is anybody in here?"

Little to my surprise, I received no answer.

Right after the words left my mouth, a realization hit me. I was trapped inside this lifting box...With no clue as to where I was going.

I might have panicked just a tad.

I breathed heavily in and out, stumbling around the room for something to help me.

I ripped through case after case, for something useful. On box 5, my muscles grew tired of the strenuous exercise. On box 6, I found a large knife and from then on cut the cases open with that. By box 8, I was no longer searching for answers, but searching for water. And on case 9, I fell onto the floor, leaning my head against box 8.

I was sooo thirsty. Thoughts of water pooled my mind. Strangely I remember seeing water, but I can't recall what water tastes like. This idea made my heart rate quicken. Why couldn't I remember anything? Who would do this to me?

"Where the heck am I?" I said as I pressed my hand against my face. Better question, when would this box stop moving?

After at least ten minutes of crying, I was desperately in need of a drink. I slowly stood up again trying to get use to the rapid lifting. I pulled myself over to one of the only three cases left, hoping to find something to drink inside.

I got to the first one but soon realized I had misplaced my knife.

"Oh my Goodness-" Just then the red lights turned off, leaving me in complete darkness. The only thing that kept my body in reality was the moving room.

"Great. Just my luck." I muttered sarcastically, "How the heck am I supposed to find water now?! And that stupid knife..."

I felt around blindly in the dark trying to find a wall to stand against. I'd have to settle for leaning against one of the cases because my body was shaking with exhaustion.

After sitting down, I let the "gentle" swaying, soothe me into an odd state of "peace."

You'll just die soon, Brianne, and this will all be over. Whatever cruel thing you've done in the past, that you can't remember, is being amended.

My head was pounding and my blood was pumping far too fast for comfort, but I guess this was it.

I closed my eyes shielding them from the inescapable darkness. Oddly enough, behind my eyelids happened to be brighter than the world beyond them. Or the room beyond them in this case.

In one sudden movement the box jolted to a stop, causing me to get thrown across the room.

I shrieked in pain as my leg landed on an extremely sharp object.

My stupid knife.

My body was in shock. Against my better judgement, I let my hand wander down to where the pain was coming from.

I mentally prepared myself to feel the knife sticking out of my leg, yet was slightly relieved that my hand only met the steady flow of blood coming from the wound.

What now?

The pain hurt so badly, that I lost track of time. I sat in a silence, that was only broken by my moans, for who knows how long. Ten minutes? Thirty minutes? Two hours? I'm not really sure. The time seemed endless.

The darkness seemed endless. If someone wanted me to die, I hoped they would just kill me soon, to end my suffering.

In the time I sat on the ground, the blood from the cut had formed a large puddle underneath my leg. At this point, I wasn't entirely sure if the bleeding had stopped. To be honest I didn't really care. I felt disgusting sitting in my own blood. I felt hopeless. Utterly hopeless.

More time passed and before I knew it exhaustion creeped its way into my veins. The sensation of heaviness was too strong to fight off, so I laid my head down on what felt like a patch of non bloody metal.

I closed my eyes. Pain racked through my entire being. I gave up trying to recover my memory and let sleep take over my mind.

Whether from loss of blood or just physical exertion this nap was fully welcomed by Brianne.


Okay, can we just take a second. *pauses* 13 views on my story?! I'm legitimately really happy and excited. Thank you to everyone who's reading this OMG!

Alright, the next chapter is *deep british accent* the maze. So AJDKDKLDL.

I plan on updating my story every few days, but I still want to take my time while writing, so I can't promise anything.

Quick authors note: if you're thinking that this chapter made no sense. You're probably correct, but this little scenario is the bridge to something crazy! Anyway ily guys! Mwah! BYE

^I'm in a weird mood

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