Chapter 42

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

I wish this chapter was longer than it is (even though it's my longest yet) but the next part which was from Newt's Pov, just wasn't flowing correctly, so it had to be cut for now. ANYWAY THIS UPDATE is a game changer and it sets up so many heartbreaking and crazy chapters,,...,, AND I'm so excited to finally start to pull To Love's story line together!! HOPE YOU ENJOY!


~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

I slowly opened my eyes, a feeling of heaviness lingering over them from a long nights sleep.

I tried to turn my head to see if Newt was still asleep, but realized I couldn't because of his tight hold on me. His arm was wrapped around my waist, keeping my body close to his, and his face was pressed against my neck.

I smiled to myself, snuggling closer to him.

I'm so glad that Newt and I could work out our differences yesterday, and I'm so relieved that the words I'd been too scared to speak had sparked a change in Newt. I mean, I don't expect him to change who he is, but depression isn't him. It's just a minor hindrance on his pursuit of happiness.

More or less minor.

I felt Newt stir behind me, and I tried not to move too suddenly as I glanced down at his watch.


That's a lot earlier than I thought it was, but Newt can't sleep in super late anyway, he has a job to do. The newbie was coming up in the box today, and if my memory serves me right, I'm pretty sure the new kid is gonna be a boy. But hey, I'm not complaining, with all of the drama in this glade, a boy might be a breath of fresh air.

"What time is it?" Newt asked, startling me.

"Quarter past eight," I answered, my voice scratchy. I felt Newt's arm move off of me, "Did you just wake up? Sorry, I tried not to move," I laughed, rolling over, so that I was lying on my back.

"I've been up for a couple hours," He answered nonchalantly, tilting his head to face me, "I just didn't want to wake you up."

"Oh," I whispered, "You could have gotten up."

"It's okay, I like sleeping with you, you're warm," Newt smiled, after rubbing his eyes.

I smiled back at him, not saying anything, just staring. His eyes studied my face, but unlike other times, his gaze didn't make me feel insecure; I felt as though he were simply admiring me and I liked the way that made me feel.

"I love you, Brianne," He whispered, flicking his eyes down to my lips. Before I could say anything, Newt had sat up in bed, "Why do I always keep these blinds closed, its so dark in here?" He crawled over my body and stepped onto the floor. His hands reached up to open the blinds that covered the window in his room.

Newt seemed different. A good different. Or maybe not different, but more like himself. I liked this Newt the most, I decided.

"That's better. I can actually see now," Newt laughed, turning back to face me, "Will you go to breakfast with me?"

"Oh- yeah, you hungry?" I asked, sitting up.

"Starving," Newt replied, "I just need to shower."

"I do too, so we can do that first and then meet back up for breakfast. The showers shouldn't be that crowded. It's past the morning rush," My feet hit the cold floor with a thud.

"I have a better idea," Newt smirked, grabbing his shower bag. I picked up mine, also.

"I don't like that look, Newt. What could be better than showering?"

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