Chapter 62

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

Fast update!!! Wooo! It's shorter, but I also updated two days in a row, so I think it evens things out. The next chapter will be better and more thought out, I promise! Also, ignore grammatical errors, I'm fixing them later.

But okay, in case anyone missed it in my last update, I'm making this "Positivity Jar," where I write down everyone's account names and I pick one (I'm gonna say once a week) and I send you an encouraging message and, if you want me to, I'll read your Wattpad book. This is not some scam into getting a shoutout. I genuinely enjoy reading and all of you are extremely talented. I just wanna spread love, haha.

So if you haven't already, comment on this little section and I'll write your account name down :)

Question of the update will be at the end!! Switching things up! YAY!


~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

"I assigned you to the room that has Thomas in it," Newt said, pulling the door to the homestead closed, "I would love to be with you, but I need reliable people on both levels of this place."

"Awe, are you calling me reliable?" I smiled, kissing Newt's cheek.

"Yes, I am," Newt led me to a hallway I'd never been down before.

"This is new," I commented on the different rooms. A portrait of a woman hung on one of the walls, "Who the heck's that?"

"Don't know, and I've always been too lazy to ask," Newt laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

Voices echoed from inside the rooms that we passed. As Newt walked by, he closed the doors.

Newt stopped fully at the fifth door.

"A-alright, this is you," Newt whispered, his face suddenly pale.

"This isn't goodbye," I said, trying to cheer him up.

"It sure as hell feels like it," He pouted, taking my left hand in his. His fingers glided over the ring, "Watch Thomas, okay?"

"Okay," I assured, looking into the room.

"He isn't very reliable," Newt warned, giving my hand a quick squeeze, "Be safe."

"You too. As scared as you are for me, I'm doubly scared for you," I awkwardly giggled.

"I still wanna know what Gally said to you," Newt mumbled, looking down the hall, as if expecting Gally to suddenly appear out of thin air.

I wouldn't be surprised, honestly.

"It was nothing. He said some messed up stuff about all of us," I tried to play it off as meaningless once again, but his words had dug a special spot in my heart. I was curiously confused. Why was I different? Why was I hated? Why did Victoria believe I was one of the creators favorites? If so, am I safe from trouble? Or does that put me in more danger?

"If it was nothing, why won't you just tell me about it?" Newt brought his other hand up to caress my face.

"Because the truth scares me," I breathed, hearing the shuffle of feet above me, "There's a calmness in not knowing the answers to some questions."

"How do you know what the truth is?" Newt questioned.

"It's hard to lie about things that you shouldn't even know about. Gally just scared me. The creators told him stuff."

"I'm starting to wish that the creators would talk to me," Newt half-joked.

Someone appeared at the other end of the hallway, "Hey, Newt, sorry to interrupt, but you're needed upstairs."

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