Chapter 11

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The haze of morning was just beginning to settle onto the glade, when Alby came tiptoeing through the door into the medjacks room.

Seeing that I was already awake, and had been awake for at least three hours, he froze in the center of the small space, "Oh, I didn't think you'd be up at this hour."

"What time is it?" Time seemed to tick by torturously slow here.

"A little after 7:00."


"Yah, well I usually let the newbies sleep in for an extra hour, but we need to talk, so I thought I'd wake you up nice an' early."

"Good thing I have horrible sleeping patterns then."

"Blessings in disguise are what I like to call em'."

I wanted to laugh, Nothing in this place was a blessing to me. Absolutely nothing.

I hate it here.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" I asked, trying to get this kid to quickly spill whatever horrible news he had. For all I knew, Alby was probably sent by Nick to tell me, I was being banished.

God I hate life, but I'm not quite ready to die just yet.

"We'll talk about it over breakfast." My heart sank, but also rejoiced. If he could say it in a public place, then it couldn't be that bad. Right?

Who am I kidding? I want to know now.

Before I had a chance to protest, Alby began moving towards the door, "Follow me." I got up and started following him out of the homestead.

Only a few people were walking around outside, most of them going in the general direction of the kitchen.

The morning was kind of peaceful here. No one was working and it wasn't too hot.

A group of a few kids ran by us laughing and teasing each other.

It must be kind of fun getting to live with people whom you consider to be closer than a family.

I could totally fit in here. It can't be that bad.

I immediately pushed that thought right back where it came from. Ew, no. I most certainly couldn't live here. Absolutely not.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to stop my stupid thoughts.

"To get you a bed and some clothes." Alby said, over his shoulder, "I bet you want to take a shower too."

Heck yes, I did. My hair was disgusting, my body was dirty, and I probably smelt like legitimate crap.

"That would be nice." That would be more than nice, it would be great.

"Don't want ya' smelling like klunk." Alby laughed.

"What's klunk?"


"Oh, well isn't that lovely." I couldn't even try to fight him on it, I really did smell nasty. I laughed.

"You have a cute laugh you should laugh more." Alby said without glancing back at me. Ew, my laugh sounds like a dying antelope. And I barely even know what an antelope is, but I bet I probably sound like one.

"Thanks." I mumbled quietly.

We continued walking towards what looked like a little shack.


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