Chapter 10

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I stumbled up the stairs of the homestead.

God my leg.

Gosh my head.

Goodness my life.

I knocked on the second door on the left. The door opened to reveal Victoria and Jeff. Honestly, I don't even know why I came here. I guess I only came because I didn't know what else to do. I thought Alby and Nick would have told me all of this stuff during the tour. But apparently not.

I actually wanted to sleep, but despite the assumed late hour, all of the gladers seemed to be up and awake. Are these people invincible, like I've never seen them sleep.

"Well I guess that whole 'on-your-own-strong-independent-woman-thing' obviously didn't work out for you." Victoria said laughing at my appearance. After my weird, yet comforting talk with Newt, I had to walk all the way back through the deadheads. Which by the way, is a lot harder to do without adrenaline.

"Very funny." I mumbled, closing the door behind me.

"How's your leg newbie? I heard about your great escape earlier." Jeff chuckled.

"My leg? Yah it really hurts, thanks for the meds this morning." I plopped down onto the bed, "What am I supposed to do now?"

"Technically you can get a hammock and sleep in the same area as everyone else, but if you're really hurting we can let you stay here one more time." Jeff gave me a small smile.

"Then what?" I asked, wanting his reply to be 'nothing'. I really really want the answer to be nothing.

"Then you work and live like the rest of us." Victoria's eye's flicked over to me and then back out the window, "Any idea whatcha' plan on choosing for a job?"

"Don't know, don't care."

"Come on, you must have a preference."

"I barely know the difference between sloppers and runners." Jeff and Victoria both turned to face me, "I'm joking. I know the difference," They turned back around, "Kind of."

"I could see you as a gardener." Jeff said, as he scribbled something on a piece of paper.

"Or as a cook."

"Maybe even a bagger!" I shouted with a fake smile.

"Do you actually know what a bagger does?" Victoria asked me.


"Did you even listen to Nick and Alby?" Jeff asked, with a weird belittling tone to his voice.

"No." I muttered, rolling my eyes, "Listening to someone else's orders, isn't one of my specialties. Sorry."

"You literally beg to be hated by Nick." Victoria laughed throwing a balled up wad of paper at me. She missed.

"Don't even get me started on him." I said, glancing out the open window.

"Don't talk too loudly," Jeff said as he held a finger up to quiet me, "Nick sleeps at the end of this hall."

"He gets to sleep inside?"

"Course. His glade, his rules. Only medjacks, the sick, and the leaders sleepin' indoors."

"I'm shocked Nick even lets Alby have his own bed." Victoria said.

"Why does everyone listen to Nick? What makes him above any of us?" I asked the question that had been floating in the back of my mind since I woke up in the box.

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