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"But once again, Why am I here?" I asked frustrated at the lack of answers I'd been receiving.

"To preform a great service for our company." This random man in a lab coat answered. His name tag read Janson.

"What's the name of this place?"

A woman with short brown hair answered me, "We call ourselves WICKED." I rolled my eyes at the prideful tone of her voice.

"Okay, now, maybe I'm not making myself clear. So I will continue to ask the same question. Why am I really here?" I sighed an exasperated sigh, sounding almost like a little child.

"I thought you said that she would be easy to persuade?" Lab coat yelled at a boy with brown hair who was about my age.

"Just give us a second. We'll work through this. Right, Teresa?" The boy shared a knowing look with a girl, Teresa, who sat next to me.

"You have to do this for the world. For your family, For yourself. The human race is being killed by a monstrous disease and you can help WICKED find the cure." The boy's words seemed so forced, so scripted that I bet he had rehearsed this speech a hundred different times.

"Listen to Thomas. Listen to us. We know the great sacrifices you've had to make. But we want to use your immunity to help research a cure for those who are less fortunate than us." Teresa spoke her part with more emotion than 'Thomas' did but it still wasn't believable.

I'd made up my mind I was never going to help them.

I spun in my chair with my arms crossed, taking a good look at the room we were in. The walls were white. The ceiling was white. The door was white. Gosh darn it, I'm white.

Thankfully I brought my focus back to the long oval table, that was made of some type of dark wood.

"Do you have anything to say, sweetie?" An older woman asked me from across the table.

I rudely flicked my eyes up to her and then back to my hands. I was fifteen not five.

"That control room. The cameras. The maze, as you called it. What's that all about?"

"That would be the first step in our quest to find the cure," Brown hair lady said, "It's all about the killzone or 'brain' patterns. Mapping the responses of our subjects. It's a long process that should result in a cure for the flare."

"Should result?" I smiled at the lady, while pointing out a flaw in WICKED's plan," So you're asking me for my life, in exchange for someone's fantasized magical cure? This is ridiculous." I rolled my chair back and stood from the table.

"I wouldn't try anything if I were you." Lab coat smirked at me while motioning his hand to the upper corner of the room.

A small camera was aiming directly at me. It's red dot staring me straight in the face.

"We're being watched." I said announcing the obvious.

"Thank you for taking notice. Now please have a seat." Lab coat just loved to talk.

"Why?" I fired back.

"Because that door is locked and you don't have a choice between whether you want to cooperate or not. It's nonnegotiable."

"Then why is everyone asking for my consent?"

I received blank stares from all eight people in the room. Against my inner will, I sat back down in my chair.

"Moving on shall we," this man with dark black hair said.

"Moving on with what? Nobody has even told me exactly why I'm here."

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