Chapter 5

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"Now normally Nick does this tour klunk, but he's once again not on time," Victoria rolled her eyes, her hand on the flagpole. She had been twirling around that thing for about ten minutes. My stomach was uneasy just watching her, "So while we wait, why don't you tell me something about yourself." She stopped her movement and looked at me waiting for me to answer.

"Um," I paused. What do I say? "There's not much to me, I guess."

"Oh please, like I believe that."

"What do you wanna know then?" I sighed, slightly frustrated. I've basically been alive for two days. My favorite color hasn't been the first thing on my mind.

"What type of guys is a stick like you interested in?" She asked her voice slow.

A stick? Wow, I didn't know I was part of a tree now.

I lifted my eyebrow and gave her the most confused look I could muster, "What kind of question is that?"

"Answer it."

"Why?" What the heck was up with this girl?

"Because I have to make sure that you, don't try to go after any of the guys that are already taken."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not interested in any guys right now, so I shouldn't be in your way."

Victoria laughed, "Shuck, I don't care who you like. It's not me that has a problem."

"A problem? I literally got here a couple days ago and I've only spoken to like five people. Who could have a problem with me already?"

"Well, I'm not supposed to say anything, but I think I can trust you, so," She sighed, "A lot of girls fancy the runners and it seems that you've already captured the interest of the keeper and his sidekick," She was whispering to me.

My eyes flicked left and then at her again.

"I know it's weird. But Andrea overheard Newt and Minho talking about the 'newbie.' And see them over there," Victoria pointed to a group of about five girls, sitting against a couple trees, "They've been here longer than you have, so it's just basically a law that they get first pick on the guys."

I moved my hand back and forth, motioning for Victoria to come closer to me, "Hate to burst your bubble and all, but I don't like anyone."

"Not yet," She gave me a smug grin, "But let me tell you, I hear Newt's a great kisser." She giggled like a young schoolgirl before flipping her hair over her shoulder. For some reason her statement irritated me.

"I don't care about his kissing abilities."

"Good, because he's taken. Girls are really into his whole accent thing."

"I bet." I said giving her a tight smile, "How do you know so much about everything?"

"Word goes around pretty quickly in the glade, I'd be careful who you talk to."

I narrowed my eyes, before moving my line of vision back over to the group of girls. They were giving me quick glances while dramatically talking in a hushed circle. This act reminded me of something children would do.

Please. I'll talk to whoever I want.

"That's good to know." I muttered sarcastically.

"Just don't come cryin' to me when you start makin' more enemies than friends." She turned around quickly, almost whipping me in the face with her hair, before skipping away, "Talk to you later! Be cautious with that bum leg of yours!"

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