Chapter 40

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

It has been a really long time since I've updated and I'm so so sorry, but I'm now back from vacation. I had a great time but did not really get a chance to write, so that is the reason for my delayed update.

But anyway I want to quickly thank y'all for all of the sweet messages and comments I've been receiving lately! I love you guys so much and I never want to disappoint.

So yah, this chapter is certainly not my favorite, and I'm sorry if it seems 'flat.' It's not really inappropriate, because I've read some of those 1D fanfics!!¡¡ But it could definitely be considered Pg-13, take that warning as you will. And I suck at writing chapters like this so it's more like 'use your imagination.' It's only as dirty or as innocent as your mind interprets it.



~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

"How was the meeting?" I asked Newt as he sauntered into his room. I'd only woken up about half an hour ago and had just decided to wait in here until Newt came back from the Council meeting I'd known he was having. And hey, he was gonna need the support. This was his first official day as Second-in-Command, because he'd previously been too injured to take on the tasks that came with the job, but thankfully now that he was able to walk without wanting to buckle over in pain, he could work again.

He smiled, "I think it went well. Everyone seemed excited for me."

"Of course, they're excited for you. This is a big deal!" I laughed, adjusting my pillow so I could sit up taller.

I know this is weird, I'm sleeping with Newt. But we're doing this in the most innocent way possible, we barely touch each other. I'm only here to help him as his nurse, and help him emotionally if need be. I'm just still a bit scared that he'll do something reckless without someone by his side.

That's all that's going on. I mean, maybe there's a bit of kissing. But that's not the only reason why I'm here.

"I don't know. I just get scared that maybe everyone will lose faith in me."

"They won't," I reassured.

"You almost did," Newt mumbled to himself. I gave him a confused look, "I didn't mean that. I was just referring to when I'd been knocked out. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I smiled, hiding my initial hurt, "So about the meeting?"

"It was good, it just consisted of Alby introducing me as his helper, ya' know, telling everyone to recognize my new position."

"I see," I said, nodding my head.

"But Alby's different."

"What? How?" I asked.

"He used to be so nice and gentle and caring, ya' know. He used to be Alby."

"And now?"

"He's just turning out to be a lot like how Nick was," Newt answered, hopping on one foot across the room over to his desk.

"That's odd," I laughed at Newt, leaning my head against the bed's head post, "You're so weird."

"What are you laughing at?" Newt asked, laughing along.

"I don't know, I'm just laughing at you. Sometimes the way you do things is so weird. Like there are a plethora of other ways for you to get to your desk. You're just a little weirdo," I smiled.

He wiggled his eyebrows while pulling his dirty T-shirt over his head, "Oh please, love, we all know you like it."

"Is that so, you think you have me all figured out, yah?"

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