Chapter 12 (Newt's Pov)

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~~~Authors Notes Recap~~~

In case people skipped my last authors note, I'll do a short recap.

A. Yes, this chapter is different. No, not all of my story will be like this.

B. Brianne isn't the only girl and my story is set before Thomas is sent into the glade.

C. Feel free to ask any questions about things you don't understand. I would be happy to answer them.

Alright, proceed in reading this chapter. Just FYI: it takes place during the same morning as my last chapter.


~~~Newt's Pov~~~

Mornings. The epitome of my life's struggles at the moment.

I walked across the glade. The ground crunching beneath my sneakers. Teens roamed around, some with purpose, some without purpose. Okay, not gonna lie most were walking about without purpose.

The thought really sickened me.

I was running my butt off every single day, trying to find a bloody exit for these ungrateful peasants.

I shoved my hands into my pockets, a scowl finding its way across my face. I kicked a couple rocks trying to blow off some steam.

The expanse of land filled with people, as more and more gladers woke up. One kid, don't even know the losers name, bumped into me, almost knocking me over.

I may or may not have yelled at him.

A girl, Amelia, knocked her shoulder against mine. Her body movements dramatic as she tried to flirt with me.

It was too early for this klunk.

"Watch where you're goin'." I said mumbling over my shoulder.

She grabbed my arm, attempting to make me face her. I wasn't in the mood for her shenanigans, "I just want your attention." Her eyes flicked to my feet, then back up to my face.

"Yah, and I want food, but by the looks of it, neither of us are gonna get what we buggin' want today."

"Just know I'm always here," She winked. My gag reflex cringed a tad.

"Look, Amelia, I'm not really interested in rekindling our dead sparks." I said placing my fingers on the bridge of my nose," Nothing against you, I just don't want anyone right now or ever, if I'm being completely honest." I sighed an odd feeling of detachment taking over me.

"But that's the good thing about me, this time around, I don't need commitment.'

"I'm really sorry, but I need ta' go."

"Okay, talk to you later babe!" She waved flirtatiously, as I quickly tried to evade the area. I hate when she does stuff like this: Yelling things like 'babe' and 'love'. We're not dating anymore, yet for some reason she wants everyone to think we are.

I laughed at the situation. I mean, I don't even get why she likes me.

I'm me. She's too pretty.

But oh well. No use moping around about the unchangeable. If I'm ugly; I'm ugly. I'd rather spend my days moping around about the things I'm just too lazy to change.

My mood started to lighten until I entered the eating area. My usual dark thoughts began to filter into my mind again. This was an everyday thing with me.

Don't eat. Why waste perfectly good food on someone who's gonna be dead anyway?

I'm still alive. I'm still here now. I immediately tried reassuring myself.

Why exactly are you here, Newt? You don't belong with these people.

They're my friends. I mean, I don't have much of a choice.

They hate you.


Every last one.

Fine, everyone hates me. Just let me do my job.

Oh, your job as a Runner? A Keeper? That was a pity position. Giving the job to the weird kid. Nice going, Nick.

But it isn't Nick's fault you're a mess. It's your own. Nobody's killing you but yourself-

My hurtful thoughts were put on hold as my eyes met Brianne's.

I looked like a mess, haven't gotten a good nights sleep in days.

I gave her a half wave and an awkward smile before sharply turning to get food. I tripped in the process, my hand hitting the table in front of me. Real smooth, Newt, Really bloody smooth.

I quickly grabbed an apple, trying to divert away the attention I'd just earned. Why couldn't I be normal?

Now the question was, Where do I sit?


I bit my apple, and quickly left the kitchen. I have work to do anyways.

I headed towards the map room, with Brianne on my mind. I don't know what it was about her, but she caught my attention. She stood out.

Yet sadly, infatuation doesn't give happiness and to be perfectly honest I don't think anything will.


~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

Days go by and time moves along, as though my ideas and plans aren't of any concern.

I work or I half slack, that might be a better term, all week, trying out various jobs that I stink at.

I hate the blood house: I don't have the heart to kill any animals. Winston let me leave an hour early that day, after I tried to save a chicken from being slaughtered.

I hate working with the Builders: I don't have the arm strength to lift anything and their Keeper is annoying.

I hated cooking: or lets say cooking hated me. After I dropped a whole pot of soup, Frypan wasn't very happy.

I dislike gardening: I fainted due to heat exhaustion.

I can't be a bagger: I just can't.

And all of the other jobs are irrelevant because apparently they 'don't need a newbie's help right now.' Like what?

So they've given me the options of slopper and medjack.

Yay. I wonder what I'll choose.

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