Chapter 54

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

I am very annoyed that this is only a small portion of what was meant to be "Chapter 54." But I still have to piece it all together and it's honestly impossible to proofread 11,000 words, haha. So consequently, I had to break it up. And of course this is the boring part!

But let me tell you that the next chapter will not disappoint! I foreshadow a lot in this update so if you can predict Chapter 55, comment your assumptions! Reason for delay is also: I wasn't sure how I wanted to go about their date. I wasn't sure how I wanted it to go. But I know now!

Anyway, I just had to rant about all of that, and once again, I'm sorry for not posting the entire thing! BYE!


~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

I rolled over, reaching for my watch. I didn't open my eyes, for fear that the natural light from the open windows would be flowing into the room, and practically blind my unadjusted pupils.

But then I realized it was dark beyond my eyelids. Was it the middle of the night still?

My hand fumbled around on the bedside table. Where the heck was my watch?

I opened my eyes, slowly, very slowly, stretching as I did so.

It was dark in here. But I don't think it's the middle of the night; the curtains are just closed. Newt must've closed them earlier this morning when he got up.

But the question still stands: where's my watch?

I twisted my head so that I could see the table. My watch wasn't on it. I leaned over the edge of the bed, careful not to let any cool air under the blanket, to see if maybe my watch fell on the ground. But there was nothing down there either.

Am I crazy?

I looked at the table again. No watch. But a folded piece of paper was on it, with my name written across the front.

I picked it up and unfolded it. Did Newt take my watch?

I'm sure you're looking for your watch. Let me enlighten your moment of panic by saying that, yes, I took it. Time is not something you need to worry about today. (Hence the drawn blinds.)

Newt, no, I can't just not know what time it is. I have a job. The Glade won't stop for me.

And now I'm sure you're panicking once again, but as I said before, I've worked everything out. You slept in, most likely. So just get dressed and shower, in as relaxed a manner as possible. I'll see you soon. Love, Newt.

And then at the very bottom of the page, it said: Happy Date Day, babe!

Happy Date Day! I almost forgot! Newt and I were gonna be all cute today and- Awe! Okay, I need to chill.

I didn't know what to say, so I quickly threw the covers off of my body and jumped out of bed.

Newt had told me last night that I wouldn't have to worry about planning anything today, and that he would take care of all the details. So who really knows what's gonna happen?

I ran over to my clothes, grabbed a clean outfit, and picked up my shower bag.

I still wanna know what time it is.

It's so annoying, having no sense of what time of day it is. As I left the homestead, I glanced at the clock and to my honest disbelief, it's 10:30!

I've never slept in this late. How the heck?

I reached the shower house and cleaned myself rather quickly. The whole time, instead of dwelling on the stupid apple-scented hair products, I was mesmerized by daydreams of how Newt was gonna surprise me today.

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