Chapter 66

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

This is the last full chapter of To Love. I'm sad and happy. I love the way this chapter turned out, but I want more. Ah, I don't know what to say. Sorry, it took so long, I had a basketball tournament over the weekend.

Question of the Update: Are you as sad as I am that To Love is practically over- IM KIDDING. I HAVE NO QUESTION.

So read on, dudes! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU THINK!


~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

I don't know how long we were in that bus, but when I woke up just as it rolled to a stop, the time was 3:45.

I was somehow still tired. I tried to think back to what time it was when we got onto the bus. It was dark. So had we been driving for like fifteen hours?

Did I seriously sleep that long?

"You feeling okay to walk?" Newt asked me. He was sitting on the edge of his seat, clearly ready to get off this bus. Newt looked like he hadn't slept at all.

"We'll see," I paused, before asking, "Did you sleep?"

"I tried to," Newt shrugged his shoulders as he glanced out the window, "Why?"

"You just look tired. I slept for what felt like a year," I commented, hating that I didn't know what was happening around me.

"That's good, I'm glad," Newt said, kindly.

A woman at the front of the bus stood up, "I hope this ride wasn't too horrific," She smiled, "But we are here now. So you can all exit the bus and follow my fellow teammates inside the building."

"She says here like we know where here is," I mumbled under my breath, "How can we even trust her? Or her teammates?"

"I would love to protest against them, but we don't have any other choice. And hey, these people did rescue us," Newt said as he helped me stand. I winced.

"Need help?" Minho asked, standing next to me in the aisle.

I nodded, "Yes, we do."

I hobbled out of the bus. Once all three of us had our feet on the solid, dusty ground, I threw my arms around Minho and Newt's shoulders.

"We have medical surgeons inside for all those who need them," An older man said, waving us into the building.

This building was pretty big. Whatever this building was.

I walked through the door and was hit with the smell of cleanliness and bleach. This place looked brand new.

And then I saw where everyone was going: upstairs, a lot of stairs.

I hesitated, pulling back on Minho and Newt, "I can't do that."

"Excuse me," Newt said, trying to catch someone's attention. A woman with her blonde hair pulled back into a bun walked up to us, "She can't walk up those."

"Oh, that's no problem, the elevator's over there," She grinned, showing us to a silver opaque sliding door. She pressed a button that lit up red.

I looked at Newt.

The doors opened to reveal a sleek elevator with a black carpet interior. I peered into the unsteady piece of machinery.

I didn't wanna get on this. It reminded me of the box-

"Yeah," Minho started, "We don't really do elevators."

"Why not?" The kind woman asked, from inside the little room. The doors started to close and I almost had a heart attack, but the woman just gracefully stuck her arm out to keep it from closing.

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