Chapter 22 (Newt's Pov)

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NOTE: This was written before The Fever Code was out haha. So I gave Newt a sister in the maze before the books said who Newt's sister actually was/that he had a sister! Jenna is a character I made up :)

~~~ Newt's POV~~~

There was a great divide between me and her, but I planned to spend my whole life making the gap smaller.

I clicked my pen closed and smiled at the words.

What the heck is wrong with me?

I glanced down at my watch; 1:24.

I've been writing for an hour, holy crap.

I twisted my body around and began climbing back down the wall.

It's just that the words seemed to explain the way I felt perfectly.


That word summed it up.

She was the only reason I wanted to keep moving forward. She was essentially the only reason I hadn't given up yet.

I don't know why, but all of a sudden, I'm remembering small things about life before the glade.

Like I remember Brianne. It's so crazy. I remember talking to her. I remember being close to her, but I don't remember the conversations I had or the times I was with her.

"You know this new found hope won't last long, you'll be upset again." My conscious whispered to me as my feet hit the ground.

Oh shucking well, is what I say to those thoughts. I deserve something good in life. I've had the crappiest year ever.

"You deserve every hard trial you're given. You're an awful person, Newt. You're an idiot to think a girl can change any of this."

"Good days lie ahead." I said to myself as I started running back to the glade, "I just need to let go of the past, that's all."


~Prologue: Four Years Before The Maze Trials~


~~~Newt's Pov~~~

Finding and solving for the letter x, is a lot harder than you'd think.

Homework, homework, and more homework. Thats all I did. I wanted to play. I wanted to do something other than school work, but no.

I mean, it's summer and I'm doing this work...

Mum said it would all make sense one day, though. The endless hours of working. The endless days of missing out on normal activities that normal kids would do. It would make sense to me one day; the reason why I couldn't be normal.

I highly doubt that theory.

The extra studying and the constant schooling. The special advanced classes in the best grade school in the city. The push, push, push my mother gives me every day. Telling me to never give up. Telling me to trust my instincts. The constant analyzing and scrutinizing of everything I did.

Nobody forced my younger sister to do this crap.

"She's only eight." That's what everyone told me.

Yah, well I'm only eleven, yet the expectations were set so high for me.

I don't understand why it matters; just let me be bloody stupid. It's not like I have that great a chance at getting a government job. Mostly immunes get those positions.

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