Chapter 41

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~~~Important Author's Note~~~

Hi guys!!! This chapter is by far the longest chapter I've ever written (Over 6,000 words!!! OMG) And it took a very long time to write and edit, so I hope you like it. I feel like it really ties together the books name and the over all message I want my story to have. I am just very proud, AND IM VERY HAPPY TO SAY THAT TO LOVE HAS OVER 200K views!!!!!! WHAT!? I am so excited for this! And I really suggest that everyone reads my end authors note, because I think it's something everyone should hear! ANYWAY ENJOY!


~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

"Brianne," I rolled over, "Wake up!"

"What happened? What day is it?" I rubbed my eyes and then yawned.

"It's Friday night, and we've been looking all over for you. We didn't know if you ran into the maze- We've all been so scared!" Jeff shouted, giving me a sad look, "What are you doing out here?"

"What do you mean- out where?" I asked, sitting up. I was currently lying on a patch of grass in the middle of some wooded area. I'd say it was the Deadheads but it was too bright in here for me to be there.

"You passed out? Or fell asleep back here, after Minho took you away from the meeting-"

"Oh my god, the meeting! Newt; what happened to him?" I asked, standing up.


"No, we don't have time! I screwed up, big time! I have to get back to Newt and fix everything," I started walking away, assuming that Jeff would follow.


I turned around to see thirty feet back that Jeff hadn't moved, "You don't understand! I'm supposed to be there for Newt and staying here in the forest isn't helping anyone. So are you going to show me the way out or-?"

"You seem to know where you're going," Jeff laughed.

"Are you laughing at me? This is so serious!" I stomped my foot.

"You're going the wrong way," Jeff said, bursting into a fit of laughter, "Now come sit, we have to talk."

"I don't have the time to talk," I huffed, speed walking in the opposite direction, past where Jeff was sitting.

"Still not the right direction."

"Which way then?!"

"It doesn't matter. Sit down," Jeff patted the spot next to him.

"Does it look like I have all day? I have things to do."

"Don't you mean people?" Jeff chuckled, leaning back against a tree.

"I take serious offense to that! I'll have you know that I haven't done anything of the sort. So there, shove that up your-"

"Brianne, I was joking. What you do is nobody's business," He paused, "Now why'd you come out here?"

"I don't know. I just ran until I got tired. I told you I was meant to be a Runner."

"Weren't we all. But you can't just run away from things that you're scared of."

"I wasn't scared," I shook my head, "I felt suffocated."

"Because you were scared. You and I both know that Newt tried to kill himself out in that maze."

"How could you know that?"

"I just know things-"

"Lies, Newt told you didn't he?"

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